Inner Circle and Serpents (Multiple Ships)

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The bullies are: Archie, Veronica, Ethel, Eveyln, Moose, and Chuck
The Inner Circle: Betty, Cheryl, Kevin, Reggie, and Josie
Serpents: Sweet Pea, Jughead, Toni, and Fangs

B Pov

Principal Weatherbee (A/N: Because I don't like Mr.Honey): Attetion Students and Teachers. Southside High has closed down so the serpents will be coming to our school. Please show them the Riverdale High spirit. Thank You.

I can't believe. My brother and Best friends (Toni, Sweet Pea and Fangs) are finally coming to my school. Hell yeah. I haven't seen Jug in forever. Him and my dad (FP) moved out when I was 10 and I haven't seen either of them since. Cheryl and Josie both coming running in the Student Lounge over joyed.

C: Betty can you believe it. The serpents are coming to Riverdale High which means we can finally join them.
B: I know I'm really happy!
JO: I can't wait.

We keep talking but then Veronica, Ethel, Archie, and Chuck come walking in.

V: Betty I heard the news. Your trash of a brother and Best friends are coming to our school.
B: Shut up Lodge. I bet they have more knowledge then you. Oh wait you ask your stupid boyfriend to do it for you.
V: Betty!
A: Good on Jones.
JO: Shut it Carrot Head. No offens Cheryl.
C: Known taken. He doesn't rock it better then me so it doesn't matter.

They all roll there eyes and walk off. After talking for a little bit me and the inner circle walk outside where of course the "Bullies" were. Once they saw us they smirked. They all pull out pockets knives. Then start attacking us. We of course fight back but they have pocket knives and we don't .

Jug Pov

FInally get to see my sister. After 6 years I get to see her. Right now me and my group of friends were sitting on our bikes waiting to leave this hell hole. After 5 minutes we finally leave and drive to Riverdale High. When we get there we see a group of teens outside it looks like 6 of them have pocket knives and 5 of them don't. The 5 that didn't have pocket knives were getting attacked. I looked at the group then see my SISTER. Once I see her I look at my group of friends and nod towards the group of teens. They nod their heads and we all get off our bikes then walk towards the fight. When we get there I see 3 girls getting attacked and 2 boys when I see the girls bleeding alot I immetately go after the boys that were attacking the girls. The rest of my friends join Sweet Pea helps me with the boys and Toni and Fangs go after the girls. After about 2 minutes everyone was done fighting and the people that were junmping betty and her friends ran off. I look and see Betty and red head girl looking at me.

B: Juggie?
J: Hey Betts.

She jumps in my arm instally.

T: Hey!

She jumps out of my arms and runs into Toni's

T: I'm never letting go.
J: Yes you are. She's my sister.
T: Well she's mine now.
C: She was mine first.
J: No she was mine.
B: Correction I was Kevin's first.

She's says running out of Toni's arms and into a brunette boys arms

J: Let me guess...... Gay best friend?
K: Gay brother.
B: Oh right.
C: What!
B: No one knows anyone.
J: How are we going to do this?
B: The Jones way?
C: No. Last time you did "the Jones way" I got lost.
J: Do it Betts.
B: Okay.

She takes a breath. So do I.

B: You or me first.
J: Me!
B: Go nuts.

I start talking really fast.

J: ThisisSweetPeaFangsandToni (This is Sweet Pea, Fangs, and Toni)
C: Okay I think I got that.
K: I did.
R: Me too.
JO: How?
R: If you hang out with Betty enough.
B: No, I only do it at school when I'm stressed. I'm not allowed to do it at home.
J: Why?
B: Mom will beat my ass with her boyfriend. (Her boyfriends name is David)
B: Anyways....

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