Cheryl (Chetty)

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This one is very short and sweet.

Cheryl Pov

Jughead is trying to kick me out of the serpents because I saved Toni's life even though she quit the serpents. I was just being a good person and I'm being punished for it. I'm hoping betty takes my side though because we are dating just no one knows. She is queen so she has and option in the issue.

Jughead:Cheryl I'm kicking you out of the serpents
Cheryl:That's not fair you didn't ask the queen
Jughead:I don't care I said what I said now leave
Cheryl:No I'm not leaving until you ask betty
Jughead:Fine. BETTY!

She walks over and looks at us. She crosses her arms and looks at Jughead,


She says with sass

Jughead: I'm trying to kick Cheryl out of the serpents but she won't leave.
Betty: What even happened
Jughead: She went and saved Toni even after I told her not too. She went A) against my word and B) She saved someone from another gang.
Betty: So? What's your issue.
Jughead: She won't leave until I ask you
Betty: I think if you kick her out I'm gone too
Jughead: What no
Betty: Then don't kick her out
Jughead: I am and you can't stop me
Betty: Then goodbye

And both me and Betty start walking away.

Jughead: Betty, wait.
Betty: What.
Jughead: Don't go please.
Betty: If Cheryl goes I go. So if you want me to stay then Cheryl has to stay too.
Jughead: Deal.
Betty: And she has to be the second queen too.
JugheadL Wait what Why. I know you guys are best friends but that's doesn't mean she should be second Queen.
Betty; Okay A) Jug she is a queen already but B) She is my queen.
Jughead: Wait are you guys dating?
Cheryl: Yeah we are and we have been for over 4 months.
Jughead: I'm happy for you guys.
Betty: Now Cheryl is second Queen if you like it or not,
Jughead: Okay Okay

Then Jughead walks away. And Cheryl Hugs me.

Betty: What was that for?
Cheryl: Thank you for not letting Jughead kick me out of the Serpents. They have been more of a family to me then anyone ever has.
Betty: No problem babe.
Cheryl: I love you.
Betty: I Love you too

 Then we go back to my place and hangout.

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