Shot (Fangs X Betty)

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Fangs Pov

My girlfriend Betty has been missing for 2 weeks now and no one has seen her. The serpents have been looking for her nonstop. Like we need to find her. Right now it's me and Sweet Pea walking around sweet water river. When we here a loud bang and then a girl's scream. We quickly run to the direction of the scream. When we get there we see Jughead, Veronica, and Archie standing there and Betty on the ground. They found her finally. Me and Sweet Pea rush over to them and see blood coming out of betty's shoulder. Sweet Pea rushes to her and picks her up and runs off with her. I look at the other 3 standing there.

F: What happened
J: I---I don't know
F: How could you not know
V: We were just standing here then there was a bang and she was down
F: Did you see who did it
A: No
F: Okay I'll see you guys later right now I need to catch up with Sweet Pea and Betty
J: Make sure she's okay. And please keep me updated
F: Of course

Then I run off to catch us with Sweet Pea and Betty. I finally catch up with them.Sweet Pea was just starting the truck to drive off. So I quickly jump inside and we drive off. We finally get to the hostipital after 10 minutes. I pick Betty up and run her inside. I go to the front desk and ask for help. The nurse calls someone then Doctors come running and grab betty from me then they take her into sugrey right away. I go and put my hands in my head. I feel someone sit next to me and wrap there arms around me. I look up and see it's Pea.

SP: She'll be okay. I know that.
F: You don't know that. She might be a fighter but she is still human which means she can give up to
Sp: She'll be okay just believe in her
F: I don't know Pea
Sp: Fangs she survived a bear attack, the gholuies attack, the farm, she even survived the black hood. She can survive this too. So just believe in her
F: Okay I will

4 hours later

It's be 4 fucking hours. Lord knows what's happening in there. Almost every serpent is in here and so is Cheryl, Toni, Sweet Pea, Veronica, Reggie, Archie, Jughead, Fp, Alice, Jellybean, Kevin, Mad dog, and me. We've been waiting for 4 fucking hours and I'm really scared. But then Alice and Fp are called so they go and see what's happening. They look scared then I see Alice let out a breath then walk over to me.

Al: Fangs, she's okay she's in room 34D

Once she says that I get up and run to her room. I open the door and walk in to see Betty wake and laying on a hostiptial bed looking really pale/tired.

F: Hey bud
B: Fangs!

I run over to her and hug her.

F: Are you okay
B: Sore but okay
F: Who shot you
B: Penople
F: Why?
B: Because she kidnapped me and when Jughead,Veronica, and Archie were looking for me she kidnapped them. Then she made us play this crazy G&G game that almost killed us
F: Betty you were shot, so yeah she almost killed you
B: But I'm fine Fangs so chill
F: Betts you could have died
B: I could care less. I was keeping Jughead,Veronica, and Archie safe. That's all that matters to me
F: But you matter to me. That's why I'm freacking out because I love you so much I can't lose you
B: I took a bullet for 3 people who mean the most to me that's all that matters
F: But it really doesn't
B: Fangs I love you and I love that you care but I am okay. So please can we not talk about it
F: Yeah I guess

Then Cheryl, Toni, Sweet Pea, Veronica, Archie, Jughead, and Kevin come rushing in. They see betty and smile. They walk over and sit. There wasn't an extra chair for Kevin so I join betty in her bed so he can sit.

K: What even happened. All I know is that you were shot
C: It's my devil of a mothers fault
T: She's gone mad
SP: What are you guys talking about. She was shot in the woods by a guy I thought
B: No it was penople. She set this weird G&G game up. It almost killed V, Arch, and Jug
J: And you
B: That's not the biggest deal
V: Excuse me. B you drank the posion in a chalice for me
A: You got attacked by a bear because of me
J: and Chic attacked you because of me
B: Is it the biggest deal
C: Yes. My crazy ass mother is at it again
B: Cher it's fine
F: Betty stop saying its fine
B: No I'm fine. I'm alive, so can we just drop it

But as she says that Doctor Masters walks in.

DM: Elizabeth your up great
B: Doctor Masters what's going on
DM: We did a test on you and found a drug in your sistation that if it's not treated right now. Your uh your going to die
B: Okay?
DM: We need your parents and your permission to do this sugrey and everyone else in the room
B: If you need to know where my parents are they are in the waiting room
DM: We got there premission. We just need yours and everyone elses
B: Okay

So everyone signs a note saying they give permission but then he hands it to betty and see looks at him.

B: Is there anything that can happen when I'm in this surgey

We all look at the doctor and he says

DM: You could die, have meormy loss, or not be able to walk ever again
F: But that is really rare to happen right?
DM: No it's happened to almost all the people who have done it
A: Then she can't do the sugrey
DM: I'm sorry but you already signed the note saying you give permission. Once you signed it you can't take it back
B: I don't want the sugrey
DM: To bad everyone signed the note so we don't need your signtaure for the sugrey because everyone thinks you need it
J: My parents would never agree to this 
DM: But they did
SP: You need to leave right now
B: Guys I'll do it
F: For fuck sakes betty no your not
B: Fangs shut up. It's not your life it's mine
F: Betty don't start this now
B: Why shouldn't I all you do is. Betty this Betty that Betty don't do that.Like it's annoying. Can I please do this one thing for me
F: I'm only saying no because it's not safe. I don't want you going into that sugrey and coming out not knowing who I am. I don't want you to forget anything we ever did together
B: What if I want to forget everything. What if I want to start new
F: Please don't
B: Why shouldn't I
F: Because I love you and if you forget about everything you forget about me and I don't think I could live with that
B: Why not
F: Jesus Christ Betty I don't want that because I love you with all my heart and I want you to be my forever
B: What?
F: I was going to ask you a few days ago but you went missing so I had to wait. I was going to ask you once you were out but I guess I'll just say it now
B: Say what
F: Elizabeth Jones I love you with all my heart. I don't know if I could live without you so I wanted to ask you if you want to be my forever and always. I wanted to know if you would marry me
B: Oh my god. Yes of course
F: If you want to be my forever and always please don't do the surgrey
B: Okay I won't
DM: Fine if you don't want to do the surgrey your going to die sooner or later

Then Fp comes rushing in and starts attacking Doctor Masters

B: Dad don't
FP: Why shouldn't I he tried to kill you
B: No he didn't
FP: Yes he did

He stopped and looked at me. Then Alice came into the room.

AL: FP what the hell is wrong with you
FP: He put the drugs in her. So because of him she's going to die
B: I'm not going to die
FP: You don't know that
B: You want a bet
FP: Yeah I do
B: If I make it 2 weeks you have to give me $10,000
FP: Okay deal

We shake on it then a nurse walks in

Nurse: She's free to go
B: Freedom

So then we leave

2 weeks later


It's been two weeks and nothing has happened so dad has to pay up. Well he really doesn't

FP: Okay you won the bet. You want your money
B: No I don't
FP: Wait what? But you said
B: I don't want the money because I'm just happy to be alive. If I didn't make it I would hurt alot of people and I don't want that.
Fp: How did I raise such a lovely daughter
B: I don't know how did you
Fp: I guess I was just lucky
B: You really were

Then Fangs came running inside and grabbed me and started to spin me.

B: Fangs

I said between giggles. He puts me down and kisses me

B: What's got you so confident
F: You
B: What are you talking about
F: Im talking about how you made me the happiest man ever by saying yes to my proposal
B: Stop it
F: I'll stop when your all mine
B: I'll be yours soon very soon
F: Okay but until then every minute of every day I'll be excited
B: Aw Bubba
Fp: Can you guys leave before I get sick

Then we run outside.  As for where we didn't know. We just let the world guide us. But that was our story of how we were finally happy.

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