Parents (Barchie)

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Me and my parents have been fighting for a while now. I hate that they think just because I'm there daughter they get to decide my life and how it goes. Right now we are in a middle of a fight but then my mom slaps me out of no where. So I run upstairs go to my room and lock my door. Then I grab a bag from my room and shiver a whole bunch of my clothes and other stuff into the bag.  Then I go down the ladder that was left up and go to Archie's house because it was the closest and Archie's my boyfriend and I want to see him. I knock on the door and Mary opens the door.

M:Betty sweetie what are you doing here

Then my parents run outside and I look at her with fear

B:My parents are abusing me can I come in before they see me
M:Yeah of course

She lets me come inside and yells for Archie. He quickly comes downstairs. Once he sees me he runs and hugs me.

A:What are you doing here babe

Then there were 3 bangs on the foor.

A:Mom who's here
M: Probably Hal or Alice asking if we've seen Betty
A:She's right here
M: Don't tell them. Just take her upstairs and don't come downstairs for any reason

So we head upstairs. We get to Archie's room and sit down on Archie's bed.

A:Betts what's happening
B:Arch there's something I havent told you
A:What's that
B:My parents abuse me they have been for a while
A:They what?
B:Look Arch I've been scared of telling you because they threatened me
A:Betts you should have told me
B:Archie they didn't just threaten me they also threatened you and I'm not okay with that
A:Betty come here

He brings me into a hug. And we cuddle

A:I don't care if they threaten me or not come and talk to me please

Then we hear yelling coming from downstairs. Archie was about to get up but I stopped him

B:Your mom said not to move
A:What if they hurt her
B:They aren't that curl
M:Alice she's not here
A:Betty don't go
B:Im not
Hal:Betty you have 3 seconds to get downstairs or you are going to have a very bad night
B:Archie what am i going to do
A:Go I'll go with you

We slowly walk downstairs and when we get there i see Alice and Hal standing in the doorway and Mary holding them off.

Al:Betty sweetie very been worried about you where have you been
Hal:Come on sweetie we need to go
M:She's staying here for a bit
Al:No she needs to come with us
A:I think it's best if she stays here
B:Mom, dad can I please stay here for a bit

Then they leave

A:We need evidence that they abused you
B:I have photos from the last time they did
M:That will work do you want me to call Fp and tell him
M:Of course sweetheart

Then me and Archie walk back upstairs and go back to how we were before

A:We are going to get them put in jail I promise
B:What if we don't
A:Betty my mom is the best for getting the right people in jail and the right people free
B:Im scared that there going to be mad at me for staying here instead of going with them
A:We'll get all your stuff from your house and you can move here
B:Are you sure that your parents will be okay with it
A:Betty you've been like there daughter for years now if it means your safe then they'll agree,
B:God  I love you arch you've helped me with problems you shouldn't have helped me with
A:I will always help you I promise

Then we start cuddling and fall asleep

3 hours later

I was woken up by Mary shaking me awake. I open my eyes and look at her

M:Betty come with me for a minute

We were whispering because Archie was still asleep. So we quietly walk downstairs and sit at the kitchen table. She grabs my hand when we sit down which makes me look at her,

M:Betty I called Fp he's going over to your house to arrest your parents there going to be gone for good.
B:Thank you so much

I say jumping in her arms

M:Your welcome

I get out of her arms and sit down

M:Betty I know Archie probably already asked you this but do you want to move in. I would love to take care of you and you don't have any other family so it's your best bet to stay here
B:Archie did already ask me this and I told him I would love to
M:Good because if you said no I would have made you

I let out a little giggle. Then I heard footsteps coming up behind me.

A:There you are I didn't know where you went
B:I've been here
A:Okay well in taking you from my mom and we're going to cuddle

He comes and picks me up and carries me upstairs

A:What was that about
B:Your mom got rid of my parents
A:Really that's great
B:I know it is
A:does that mean you are moving in

He says bringing me closer to me. We end up cuddling and enjoying being in each others presents yet again.

3 weeks later

I've moved all my stuff into the Andrews house hold. I've been living there for 2 weeks I spent 1 week at my house so I could pack up everything then went to Andrews. Right now me and Archie are in the back yard with Vegas playing around. I was playing with Vegas and the ball. When Archie wraps is arms around my waist and start swinging me around like a doll and Vegas started barking at us and trying to get me out of Archies arms.

M:Geez you to are like a married couple
A:Who says we didn't get married and you didn't know about it
M:What in God's name are you talking about
B:When we were younger Archie proposed to me and I said wait until we're 18 and I'll say yes so we're 18 who says we aren't married

She lets out a laugh and goes back inside and me and Archie continue playing around like kids. This is how I wanted life to be. Fun and stress free.

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