Wedding (Beronica)

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Todays Betty's wedding day and Im not ready for it. Her and Fangs have been together for 4 years but I found out that Kevin and Fangs have been hooking up. All this time I thought betty and Kevin were best friends. I only found out today and I don't want to tell her but I may have a small crush on her so I am also because I don't want her to get married into a toxic realtionship. Right now me,Sweet Pea, Jughead, and Betty are in Betty's dressing room right now. This is my first time seeing Betty today. And dam so she look good. Just then Toni and Cheryl come running in. They do not look happy.

Betty: You guys okay?
Toni: Yeah we are.
Veronica: I bet I know what's going on.
Betty: Guys, You are scaring me what is happening.
Veronica: Fangs and Kevin have been hooking up behind your back.
Betty: WHAT.

She was sitting down then she stands up and walks out the door.

Sweet Pea: Betty where are you going.

But she keeps walking ingoring him. She walks through the doors where all the guests were waiting. And she goes to the front. Once Betty makes it up there Fangs walks into the room.

Betty: I am very sorry for everyone who wasted their times to come here. But I have been sadly been told that Fangs has been cheating on me with my best friend. And I am not okay with that because it doesn't sound like a very healthy realtionship so I am calling off the wedding.

You can see everyone look very upset. But I think it is because of Fangs not because there is not wedding anymore.

Betty: I'm sorry.

Everyone stands up and was about to leave but then they saw Fangs. Fp (Betty's dad) says something.

Fp: What is wrong with you. You just wrecked a four year relationship to hook up with someone. You could have just been honest with her.
Archie: I think that we should do something.
Reggie: Agreed.
Betty: Can we not today. I'm already not in a good mood I don't want to be pissed all the way off.
Sweet Pea: Sis let us do something for revenge.
Betty: I have to go.

Betty picks up her dress and runs out.

Toni: Run away ex-bride. Who's getting her.
Fangs: I want to talk to her.
Jughead: No you broke her heart. So how about no.
Kevin: I will go.
Cheryl: No you are just as bad. You stabbed her in the nack after she trusted you after everything you did to her with the farm and everything else that you did to her and you stabbed her in the back.
Veronica: I will go talk to her.
Fp: Okay.

I go in the direction she went. There were only four places she would go to her dressing room, her trailer, SweetWater River or to pop's. Time to start getting rid of places. First her dressing room. She isn't there but her coat and other stuff is gone so she can't be far. Then I go to her trailer and she's not there either. Then I go to Pop's and she's sitting in her favourite booth. I go over to her and sit down across from her.

Veronica: Are you okay?
Betty: I'll live.
Veronica: Betty I know you. When you were with Fangs you didn't look in love.  What's going on?
Betty: I love someone else but they don't love me back.
Veronica: Who is it?
Betty: Well It's a girl. She is really pretty, gorgeous even. She has been through hell and back to stay friends with me. She is a bussiness onwer.
Veronica: Is it me? Betty because if it is--
Betty: I get it you don't love me back and you never will. I get it just get the friendzoning over with already.
Veronica: Are you done?

She nods her head. I grab her hand and she looks me in the eyes.

Veronica: I was going to tell you I love you too. When I found out Fangs was hooking up with Kevin I thought that once you had coped I would ask you out. But since we are doing this now I should just confess now.

She let's out a giggle.

Betty: I know this sounds crazy but we have been best friends since forever now. Why don't we not waste everything I bought and go and get married now.
Veronica: You're crazy.
Betty: Don't you love that about me?
Veronica: Yes I do. Now I'll call Cheryl and tell her to make everyone sit back down so we can get married.
Betty: Okay.

We stand up and walk out of Pop's. I call Cheryl and explain it all to her and she agrees so we went back to where the cemorny was being held and I got into a brides maid dress which was really nice and Betty had a different wedding dress so she changed into that one. I was already so I was the one standing at the end of the isle and Betty walked down. She looked really good. Once she got to the end Alice who was running the cermony began.

Alice: So as we all know this wasn't planned at all but today we are here for the marriage of Veroncia Lodge and Betty Jones.

(Skip this part because I have never been to a wedding so Idk)

Alice: I now proncounce you Wife and Wife. You may kiss your bride. 

We kiss and everyone cheers.

Alice: I would like to welcome the newly wedded couple Betty Jones-Lodge and Veronica Jones-Lodge.

Everyone starts cheering again. We run down the isle away from everyone and go to what was suppose to be Fangs and Betty's after party which turned into mine and Betty's after party.

Betty: Well how's it feel to be a Jones?
Veronica: I don't know. How's it feel to be a Lodge?
Betty: I love it. Just like I love you.
Veronica: I love it too.

And that's how my best friend's wedding turned into my wedding and how I got the best wife ever.

A/N: I just realized how much I have been posting due to all the free time I have. 

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