Abused (Swetty)

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Warning Abuse Mentioned.

Sweet Pea Pov.

Right now me and Betty are in a little fight because I got jealous and took it out on one of the memebers of the serpents.

Sweet Pea: Look I'm sorry. I was jealous because I don't know if you even love me some days. You know about my past and I got scared you would choose someone like him over me.
Betty: And you know about my past and you should know I would never do that to you.
Sweet Pea; Your past isn't as bad as mine.
Betty: I was frickin put through pain everyday as my life just because I was too scared to run from him.
Sweet Pea: don't use that monster aganist me.
Betty: but I can because you act just like him.
Sweet Pea: Take that back. You know I am nothing like him. I don't hit girls now do I?

I looked in her eyes and only saw pain.

Sweet Pea; Betty I'm sorry.
Betty: No Sweet Pea when we got together you promised me that you won't turn out like him.
Sweet Pea: I'm not trying to be like him. It's just seeing you with him all over you made me scared that you would want him over me. I'm really sorry for how I acted I was being stupid.
Betty: You weren't being stupid you were being like most guys who hate seeing guys all over their girlfriends. So you  had the normal human reaction.
Sweet Pea: I still am sorry. I shouldn't have been so hard on you about it and him.
Betty: Stop saying sorry.
Sweet Pea: Now can we please forget about this fight and cuddle.
Betty: Nope, I have to go to work. 
Sweet Pea: Really,
Betty: mmh
Sweet Pea: Can I at least have a kiss.
Betty: Sure but only because you were being cute.
Sweet Pea: I'm not cute.
Betty: Okay then no kiss.
Sweet Pea: Okay okay I'm cute now I want a kiss.
Betty: Okay.

I walk up to him and give him a little kiss.

Sweet Pea: I love you.
Betty: I love you too. Now I have to go before I am late.
Sweet pea: I'll see you later,

She walks out the door and goes to work. I don't even know what this girl has done to me.

Betty Pov

I walked outside and went to my car. As I was driving I was thinking of Sweet Pea he has done nothing but love me. Unlike my last boyfriend. He was nothing but an abusive ass. He didn't give two craps about me. But he is in the past now I have Sweet Pea and I am as happy as a girl can be. I work at pop's so when I walked in I was welcomed with the amazing smell of Pop's famous food.

Betty: Hey Pop.
Pop: Oh Betty I was about to call you I didn't need you to come in today. No one is here but that guy over there and Jughead.

Jughead being here wasn't shocking he is always here. But the other guy surprised me because he looks like someone I know but I can't put my finger on it.

Betty: I still want to be here. I have had a long day and this is one of my favourite places ever.
Pop: Okay, you can go hang out with Jughead for a little bit.
Betty: Thanks Pop.

He smiles and I walk over to Jug.

Jughead: Ah if it isn't the not so famous Betty Cooper.
Betty: Hey Juggie. What you doing here.
Jughead: What I am always doing. Eating.

I laugh at his responses. We ttal for about another 5 minutes when the other guy that was here walks over to us.

Jughead: can I help you?
Guy: Betty is that you.
Betty: Leave me alone please Rider.
Rider: Come on can we just talk for a minute.
Betty: Nope, now go away.
Rider: Betty com---
Jughead: You heard her dude now get out of here.

Rider sighs and leaves. Jughead looks at me worried.

Jughead: Who was that?
Betty:My abusive ex boyfriend.
Jughead: I should have killed him.
Betty: Really Jug.
Jughead: Yeah I should have.
Betty: I should go since I don't have to work and figure some stuff out with Sweet Pea.
Jughead: Do you want a ride home?
Betty: I would say yes but I have my bike.
Jughead: okay well I will see you later.
Betty: Yeah. Bye Juggie.
Jughead: Bye Betts.

I give Jug a hug and leave. I get on my bike and drive back home. When I walk back inside I see Toni and Fangs sitting on the couch and Sweet Pea sitting in his chair.

Toni: Hey Betty I thought you had to work.
Betty: Pop didn't need me tonight.
Fangs: We just got a call from the one and only Jughead Jones.
Betty: Okay?
Toni: We heard you guys had a little run in with Rider.
Betty: I don't want to talk about it.
Fangs: I think we should kill him for what he did to you.

This whole convo Sweet Pea hadn't said a single word.

Betty: I'm going to my room.

I starts walking over to my room but then my phone rings and I can tell by the ringtone who is was. It's Rider of course. I walk back over to Sweet Pea and look at him. He looks at me confused.

Betty: This is the one time I'm letting you go protective boyfriend on anyone.

I hand him the phone. And he picks it up and puts it to his ear. I'm guessing Rider starts talking because I see Sweet Pea's face change. Then he says.

Sweet Pea: Listen here pal. You are talking about my girl and I am not okay wwut it. So god help me you call this number again or go anywhere neither my girlfriend I will end you.

Then he hangs up and gives me back my phone.

Betty: Thank you.
Sweet Pea: No problem. You are my girl and no one is ever going to treat you wrong.
Betty: I don't deserve you.

I sit on his lap and cuddle into him.

Sweet Pea: Well just think now whoever that was will never bother you again.
Toni: Betts who was it.
Betty: My ex,
Sweet Pea: Why didn't you tell me I should have not threatened him I should have told him to meet up with me so I could kill him.
Betty: I'm not in the mood for killing today,
Sweet Pea: I still would have done it and just let you stay here and be comfy.

I laugh. I had completely forgot about the other events that had happened today. But now that I am remembering it I am not that mad about it. So me and him are now on good terms right now I guess.

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