Make Like better

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I'm Betty Jones the badass Serpent Princess who is trying to make life better. I found a website that says 40 ways to make your life better. So I'm going to try it by myself no one knows I'm trying to do this not even my family or boyfriend so I'm hoping to keep it that way. So let's get started.

1) Change is uncomfortable. Change will always be strange, weird, and discomforting, but that's just the way it is. Be patient, and wait for change to become the norm.

So that's number one but what's it mean by that. Then there was a knock on my door.

B:Come in

Then my dad walks in and sits on my bed

FP:Betty I found some news

B:What kind of news
FP:The serpents are going to Riverdale High

B:I'm not going to school with a bunch of princess no I'm not going

FP:Honey you don't have an option

B:Daddy please don't make me go

FP:Sweetie I'm sorry
B:I hate you get out

FP;Betty don't get mad at me for something that isn't my fault
B:I need to process everything so please leave

FP:Okay sweetie I'll come get you when we have to go to the bar


Then he leaves. Is that what it means I have to get used to change. Then I look at my screen again the next one says

2)How you respond to a situation is more important than the situation itself. You are kidding yourself if you believe life should be simple and uncomplicated. There will always be difficult choices and tough situations, and playing your cards right is the best way to move forward in life.

This site is trying to mess with me how does it know my life and how it works. So I just need to get my life under control. This is just messing with my head. I also just need to calm down, I just need to learn to deal with this. Then there was another knock on my door.


J:Dad told me to tell you we have to go


I get up grab my phone and wallet and my purse. Then walk out my door and see Jug.



J:Sweets told me to tell you that he meeting us there


J:BTW JB's got a date tonight

B:Of course she does

J:You sound very impressed

B:Jug she 13 and has been dating random guys since she was 12

J:I know I'm not dumb

B:Whatever let's go

So then we walk out to our bikes and get on them. We drive to the bar because dad was already there. When we get there me and Jug walk side by side. Everyone is scared of us because we're the future king and queen. There's only a few people who don't fear us. When we get there all the mens eyes were on me. Then I started not feeling comfortable. But then my phone chimes and i look at it. It says

3)You are your own worst critic. You never give yourself the credit that you deserve, and you need to acknowledge that. You can be too hard on yourself, and you need to feel good about your own strength.

It was the stupid app. I was my thoughts when I felt arms snake around my waist I know it was Sweet Pea. Everyone knows I'm his.

Sp:Hey Princess

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