Death (Coopaz)

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FP, Jug, JB, Polly, Alice, Sweet Pea and Betty are a family But Jughead and Sweet Pea moved out. Also Cheryl and Betty aren't related.

Toni Pov

Me and Betty just foud out Polly and Jason just passed away because my dad killed them. Why is it always mine or Betty's family like geez. Right now I'm in Betty's room getting ready for the funeral. I look at her as she cries and tries to pull herself together but fails when she sees a picture of her and her sister.

T: Betts I'm so sorry
B: Why it's not like you did anything
T: Betty my father killed your sister and he killed JJ. Who you were also really close too
B: TT you can't blame yourself for something your dad did. Trust me I know how it feels.
T: Betts I still feel bad
B: Toni as your best friend it's my job to say that your not like your family. You are my best freida and I love you for you and I'm your best friend because I want to be not because your some fake,
T: I don't know what I would do without you
B: Come on we got to go
T: Let's go

At the funeral

It was time for speeches and betty was up first.

B: Polly and Jason were my favourite people in the world. It's hurt that I never got to say goodbye but I'll handle it. Everyone here thinks that I should be a hopeless girl that is broken because of this but I don't think so. Yes I was best friends with them but I know that they're in a better place now. I loved them with all my heart and I know they love me. So that's all I need to survive. I know they'll be my side the rest of my life and I'm grateful for that. So Polls and JJ I love you and I hope so see you one day.

Then she walks back over and sits next to me. She made everyone in the room cry. She was telling the truth though and I know it because she's Betty Cooper. She's the girl that can do anything but mainly make people cry. Now it's my turn. I walk and stand where betty was and start talking.

T: JJ, Polls I'm sorry that I failed you. I could have stopped this but I didn't. I love you guys so much that it hurts. I feel like I've failed you because of what happened. I know you guys loved me as much as I loved you. You two are like Riverdale's perfect couple and you always will be. I am sorry for what happened on behalf of my dad and mom. They are horrible people and I will make sure they burn in hell. I want to say goodbye one last time before it done for good. So JJ and Polls goodbye. I hope I'll see you again some day in the future.

I then walk back over to Betty and sit next to her. Then I hug her . I hug her like if I let go I'll never see her again. After a few more speeches everyone leaves and me, Jughead, Veronica, Sweet Pea, Reggie, Kevin, Fangs, Cheryl, Archie, and Betty go to see the lady that we need to pay her name is Lexi Giroux

L: What a lovely serves don't you think?
V: It really was
L: How can I help you kids
V: We're here to talk about the pay.
L: It was already paid for
V: By Mrs.Cooper because I didn't want her paying for it
L: Betty paid
J: Betts we told you not to pay for it
B: It's not the biggest deal
L: Miss.Cooper come walk with me for a minute
B: Okay?

She walks off with her. They keep walking until I can't see them. I get a feeling in my stomach that I don't like but I ingore it until I hear a scream. I then run in the direction the scream came from and see my dad standing in front of betty. Lexi was on the ground not getting up so I rush over to Betty and grab her. Then look at my dad.( His name is Thomas)

T: You need to leave now
TH: I'm not leaving without her

He says pointing at Betty.

T: You need to leave her alone
TH: Why I killed her sister and her brother in law why shouldn't I kill her too. I'm 100 percent sure your mom just killed both her parents too.
T: Your lying Mrs and Mr. Cooper were just here
TH: Then left to go home
T: You are a horrible person. You need to leave Betty the hell alone.
TH: I see you have a little crush on Miss. Cooper
T: No I don't
TH: Oh sure you don't
T: Thomas leave me the hell alone
TH: Not until I have your little girlfriend
SP: You need to leave now.
TH: FIne but I'm telling you now. If I leave I will be back for her

Then he walks off. I look at Betty she looks scared and upset. I go and give her a hug then she holds on for dear life.

T: You okay I promise I'll stay with you 24/7 to make sure your okay
B: I'm scared TT and have no where to live
SP; I'll move back in Betts
J: I will too
B: You guys don't have to do that for me
C: How about we all move into thronhill.
A: What do you mean all of us
C: Toni, Betty, Jughead, Sweet Pea, Kevin, Fangs, Reggie, Archie, Veronica, and Me of course
J: That would be awesome
B: Cheryl thank you
C: Anytime girl. Your my favourite person ever so I would do anything for you
B: Your my favourite
T: Hey!
B:Next to Toni of course
T: Betty can we talk alone for a minute please
B: Sure

We walk off and stop and she looks at me.

B: What's up TT
T: Betts I have something really important to tell you. I just don't know how you will feel about this}
B: What is it TT
T: Betty I have a crush on you
B: I do too
T: Wait you do
B: I have for a while

Then I couldn't help it. I kissed her. She kissed back. We kissed for a minute then broke for air. We put our foreheads together and just stay there smiling. But then we heard

SP: I really wish I didn't walk over to this
J: Same here
V: It was cute
C: Agreed

Betty lets out a giggle but then she turns and looks at everyone.

B: You guys saw nothing
SP: I see a grounded girl
B: Really where because I see two boys how have done more wrong then kiss someone
J: What are you talking about

Then me, Cheryl, Veronica, Kevin, Fangs and Betty start laughing our faces off.

A: What is happening
R: What are we missing
B: I caught Sweet Pea and Jughead------
J: Doing what
B: They kissed the same girl in the same day
SP: Who!
C: Josie
SP&J: You kissed Josie

Then they start fighting. I go and jump on Jugheads back and Betty jumps on Sweet Pea. So then Veronica jumps on Reggie's and Cheryl on Archie's. The rest of the day we just played around and the boys ended up giving us piggy back rides all the way to Pop's. Then Betty gave me a piggy back ride and Veronica gave cheryl one. We just laughed but then the boys tried giving each other piggy back rides and ended up falling on there faces. But at the end of the day I brought betty to her house but stopped her on the porch.

T: Betts
B: Yeah TT
T: I was wondering if you'll be my girlfriend
B: I would love nothing else

Then we kiss again. It was the first time in a while I was happy because I got the girl of my dreams.

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