Cheating Butt (Swetty)

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Sp Pov

It's Saturday Me and my "lovely" girlfriend Veronica are laying in her "lovely" bed at the Pembroke right now. Me and veronica have been dating for 1 year now but lately she has distance herself from me. I think she's cheating on me but I really don't know. But i really dont care ive been in love with my beat friend betty since 3rd grade but i started dating veronica so then me and betty never really hung out anymore.I was brought out of my thoughts by Veronica's phone ringing she picks it up and looks at the caller ID. Since we were still cuddling I was able to read the ID it said My Hottie. But I was right here so that's when my guess of her cheating on me made sense.

Sp:Veronica what the hell
Sp:Who is My Hottie
Sp:Are you cheating on me
Sp:Omg your cheating on me
V:Sweet Pea please don't
Sp:You know what we're done I'm getting my stuff I left here and leaving
V:Pea please
Sp:I'm sorry veronica but no

I grabbed all my stuff and left. I didn't know where I was going until I remember Betty said I could come over whenever I feel like it. So I get on my motorcycle and drive to bettys. When I get to the door I knock and Fp opens it.

Fp:Hey sweet pea what's up
Sp:Is betty home
Fp:She's upstairs you can go see her
Sp:Thank you

I walk upstairs and knock on bettys door only to hear come in from the sweet voice of the angle on the other side.

B:Pea hey what are you doing here I thought you were with Veronica tonight
Sp:We'll I found out she cheated on me
B:Oh I'm sorry
Sp:It's okay I saw it coming

I sit on her bed and look around then I realize that the pictures of me and betty were gone.

Sp:Hey Betts what happened to the pictures of us
B:Oh I put them in a box
Sp:Betty why. I said sternly

She then spins around and looks at me with tears in her eyes

B:You want to know why sweet pea it's because I love you and I loved you but you were with Veronica. And one day she came over and saw all the pictures of us and said I had to take them down or she would hurt me and you I couldn't risk that because I love you. Gosh Sweetpea I've loved you since 4th grade you were just to blind to see it.

Then it hit me like a rock betty Jones the badass serpent princess was hurt because of me just a normal serpent.

Sp:Betty Im sorry
B:Why are you saying sorry I should be saying sorry I'm such an idiot telling you the truth.
Sp:Betty I love you too yiu did nothing wrong I've loved you since 3rd grade but then veronica threatened you saying that if I didn't date her she would hurt you. I'm sorry for hurting you betty I never meant to.
B:Pea you just broke up with Veronica your confused on how you feel.
Sp:Betty i'm not confused I've been in love with you since 3rd grade I havent stopped loving you since then please betty believe me. I love you Betty Jones
B:I believe pea and I love you too so much.

She then walked up to me and kissed me. I finally have the girl I've always loved.

3 days later

Me and betty have been together for 3 days but today is Monday which means I'm going to have to face the music aka Veronica Lodge at school. Right now I'm at my trailer getting ready for school. I told betty I would drive her to school so I'm also waiting for her. God I'm so happy I finally told betty I loved her I was slowly going insane. I've always wanted to hold her and tell her how beautiful she is and now I can do that.

5 minutes later

Me and betty are at school now and walking around hand and hand I happy to call her mine. But when I thought we weren't going to see veronica out comes the monster.

V:Betty I thought I told you to stay away from Sweetpea and not come in my school

Then walks over Cheryl,Toni,Kevin,Fangs,and Jug.

C:Veronica this isn't your school it's mine and betty is allowed to come here it's you who's not so why don't you take your butch drama and leave
V:Classy as always Cheryl
T:Why don't you just leave veronica
V:Betty you get my messages so unless you want them to get worse I would leave if I was you.

Then the unthinkable happened betty punched veronica square in the jaw.

B:Oh Ronnie the messages can get worse just leave my family and the serpents out of it or your going to have the issue.
V:You trashy bitch.

Then veronica tried punching betty but misses.

B:Do you need daddy to punch me for you
V:Betty if it's the last thing I do I will get your bar from you and the serpents too I always win

Betty then turns around and walks away pissed as fuck.

B Pov

Veronica has been threating me for weeks if not years. She thinks once I become serpent queen she gets everything from me. I terrified that's true Im horrified that I really will lose the serpents. I'm walking down the halls of the other side of the school. Then I hear foot steps behind me I turn and see sweet pea.

Sp:Betty what was veronica talking about
B:She's been threating me and says she's going to take the serpents from me.
Sp:Thats not happening
B:I don't know what to do
Sp:You'll get through this
B:Sweets i was wondering if you would like to be king with me when I become queen.
Sp:I would love too

We then kissed and that was it that was our whole life in front of us that we would get married and rule the serpents together and that's it tat would be our story.

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