Drunk (Swetty)

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Me, Cheryl,Toni, and Kevin are going out clubbing tonight. I didn't really want to go but my besties ask me to go so how I could I not say yes. It is 6:45 at night and everyone was going to be here at 7:45. So I have an hour before I leave so I go and get in the shower and then get changed and do my hair/make up. By the time I was done it was 7:40 so I had 5 minutes of rest before everyone got here. So I turn the last five minutes of stranger things on. Iwas also waiting for my best friend Sweet Pea to get home from work but I dont think Im going to see him until I get back from the club but Im most likely going to get home and go to sleep right away now im out of my thoughts and watching my show.

5 Minutes later

I just finished Stranger things and the door bell just rang so I'm going to anwer the door. So I open the door and there standing was my besties. 

C:You ready to go girl
T:Yeah I'm ready to club
K:Yeah I need to meet my new boyfriend
B:Yeah lets go
K:Still cant believe we got you to come
B:OMFG Just because I dont like to leave my house doesnt mean I wont

Rest of the way we laughed and had fun. I almost forgot where we were going for a minute. But then I rember and when we got there the first thing we did was get drinks. We had like 12 of them and we were all wasted I couldnt think straight but then Sweet Pea texted me and I wanted to go to my house aka his house which was only 2 minutes away. So I walked almost falling over to my gang

B:Hey guys I want to go to Sweets and I am mostly going to crash there so dont worry about me

Then I leave slowly making my way back home. It took me 7 minutes and 30 seconds to get there but I finally made it to the door I was looking for my keys but Im too drunk to find them.So then I knocked and he opened.

Sp:Betts hey..
SP:Are you drunk
SP:Lets get you sobered up

I start walking then I look at Pea

B:You know I love you as more then a best friend
Sp:Whatever you say now lets get your drunk ass to the couch

So i mope in side and sit on the couch and look around at the place that is my home like Ive never seen it before. 

15 minutes

Its been 15 minutes and sweets has sobered me up. Sweets is gone cleaning the cup that he used to sober me up. So I look around and when I look around I see pictures of me and my sister polly when were younger which makes me sad. You see Im a cooper we were the crazy family of Riverdale. My dad was a serial killer, my mom joined a cult, and my sister died along side her boyfriend. This all happened when I was 13 and polls was 16. So when polly died that was when mom joined and cult so she left me and dad. Then there was a random killler going around and everyone found out it was my dad so he went to jail. And I was and still is best friends with Toni Topaz, Cheryl Blossom, Kevin Keller, Jughead Jones, Fangs Fobarty, and Sweet Pea. So them being my best friends talked to there parents and they agreed to share taking me in there homes so I had somewhere to live. I start crying thinking of my really bad life when Sweets comes in from cleaning the cup that he used to sober me up as much he could.

Sp;Betts whats wrong
B:My life was really bad growing up what happens if I end up just like my family
SP:Betty dont say that we arent our parents
B:Yeah Jug use to say that alot
SP:He still does
B:Sweets how do you deal with me Im a monster Im ugly and Im just a bummer
Sp:Betty dont say that about yourself. Your not a monster your the prettiest person Ive ever seen and your amazing your not a bummer your fun and awesome so please dont say this stuff about yourself because it isnt true
B:Your just sayin---------

I was cut of by sweets

SP:Elizabeth Cooper Im not going to sit here and listen to you say this stuff about yourself your amazing and I love you
B:You------ You love me?

I was in shock Ive loved Sweets forever and I never thought he loved me back so now Im in shock

SP:Of course I love you betts I have for years
B:Pea dont tell me this because drunk me said something
Sp:Betty Im not telling you this because drunk you said something. Im telling you because its the truth.Ive loved you for years and I didnt tell you but you saying those words about yourself made me have enough and just say it.
B:Sweets I love you too
Sp:Good because I thought I just made a huge fool out of myself.
B:Well you didnt so lucky you
Sp:Betts will you be my girlfriend
B:Of course you dork
Sp:Hey Im your dork
B;Yes you are. 
Sp:Now you look like your about to pass out so lets get you to bed
B:Carry me?
SP: Sure

So he carries me to bed me being the lazy butt I am. He brings me to my bed and was about to leave but I grab his hand and look down blushing.Then I pull him in bed. Which makes him chcukle. Then he looks at me still laughing and says

Sp:Are you trying to seduce me my lady
B:No I just want you to stay with me and dont leave
Sp:Fine but the main reason is because you pulled me in here and Im not getting

So i pretend to be upset and look away from him

Sp:And because I love you

Then I feel him pull me closer to him. Then he rolls me over so Im looking at him and he kisses me and me of coruse kisses him back. Then we pull out of the kiss and cuddle. Then I finally fall asleep.

A/N: So I started school last week so Im doing both school and this so Im rarely going to be posting for a while.

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