Please for us (Sweet Pea X Fangs X Toni X Betty)

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Warning Eating disorder and self harm
T Pov

I havent eaten in 6 days and it feel like I'm losing weight which is making me happier. I'm not really hungry either so it won't matter because I only eat when I'm hungry. Right now I'm at home with my 3 loves. We were all talking and laughing then Sweet Pea asked a question I didn't want to anwer.

Sp:Hey Toni why aren't you eating?
T:Im not hungry
Sp:T your always hungry
T:I'm just not hungry today Pea okay?

He admits defeat but he still looks worried and so do all of the other. I hated them looking at me so I got up and left. I made it to my room. I sat down because I felt dizzy.then the door opens and in walks Betty and Fangs

B:TT are you okay you look pale.
T:I'm f--fine.
F:Are you sure
B:TT you don't look to good we should get you something to eat

Then everything went black and all I heard was Betty and Fangs scream and Sweet pea come rushing in

Fangs Pov

Toni just passed out. And now that I'm looking at her from a different angle she looks really skinny like not that she is always fat but she's skinner then normal. I'm really worried about her. Sweet pea and me put her in her bed and Betty rushes off. I don't think she could watch this anymore. But who could blame her,

Sp:Who do you want. Toni or Betty
F:I'll go check on Betty
Sp:And I'll stay with Toni

I get up and walk to Betty's room where she went. I knock but she doesn't anwer so I walk in. When I walk in I see Betty sitting on her bed with a knife in her hand and cutting her arm. I quickly go into action and grab the knife from her and hug her. She lets out a sob and hides her head in my neck.

F:Baby are you okay 
F:What's wrong
B:I hate life it's too hard.
F:Why didn't you come to me or Sweet Pea or Toni we could have helped you Love.
B:Because I feel stupid. Thats I have to hurt myself or the pain won't go away

I say with a sigh. But then the door opens and in walks Sweet Pea and he was carring Toni who was now wake. He walks over to the bed and lays Toni down. He sees the blood and the knife. He goes pale from it. We walks over to Betty and grabs her hands the kisses her forehead.

SP:Why would you do this to yourself princess.
B:I hate life and all I feel is pain.
SP:Next time come to us first. I can't stand the fact of you hurting yourself because of life.
B:Sweet Pea you don't understand the pain I feel.It's like I'm standing on a cliff and if I don't jump you guys die becasue of my mistakes.
SP:Betty we're not going to die because of your mistakes.
T:Betts he's right. We wouldn't be with you if we didn't love you
B:I'm sorry for being a mess
T:Betts your not the only one who is a mess.
B:Yeah about that.Why would you do it
T:I looked at Cheryl and Veronica. I when I look at them then look at myself I don't feel pretty at all.
B:But baby your gorgous.
T:I don't feel gorgous
Sp:But you are
F:Guys we all have our secerts we just need to learn to not hide them
SP:You two what are we going to do about your issues
B:Nothing can fix how I feel
T:Same with me
F:How about you start eating again

He says pointing at Toni

SP:And Betts if you feel like you need to hurt yourself just scream and we'll come and talk 
B:I don't know if it's going to be that easy but I'll try.
SP:Please just try for us
F:What about you TT
T:I'll try and eat but it's the same as Betty it won't be easy
SP:Then that's going to be our mission for the summer

We all get in a group hug then cuddle for the night.

3 days later
No Pov

Toni has ate 3 sandwhichs in the last 3 days. Betty has screamed twice since they made that deal. Betty has had a really hard time with this because she feels like a huge baby but she still did it anyways.She also got pills to help her control her emotions.She feels dumb for being messed up but she's unquie in her own way. Right now Sweet pea, Fangs, and Toni are waiting for betty downstairs and betty was in her room. Getting dressed because they were going to a party. They were downstairs for about 10 minutes and betty still wasn't downstairs so Sweet Pea tells everyone they should go check on Betty.

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