No Love (Fangs X Betty)

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Fangs Pov

Me and Betty (my secert girlfriend) were sitting on my couch at my trailer. Watching a movie I wanted to cuddle but everytime I got near betty she made an excuse to get up. I don't have good feeling about what's happening. I tried again and yet again she had an excuse if why we can't so that's when I had enough. I paused the movie and betty looked at me confused.

F:What's going on with you baby you don't want to cuddle and you always want to cuddle.
B:It just doesn't feel right
F:What doesn't feel right babe
B:Cuddling with someone I don't love
F:You don't love me

I had tears start to weld up in my eyes and she had tears in her eyes to.

B:As much as I hate doing this to you Fangs I don't love you
F:Your lying you were fine yesterday then you got a call and you started acting weird so please tell what's going on.
B:I just realized this didn't feel right.
F:STOP lying to me please your hurting me alot right now like did you cheat on me or something that made you feel this way or is it just a easier way for you to break up with me.
B:I didn't cheat on you Fangs you don't understand I'm not safe to be around anymore I have a target on my back so please just take this warning and let me break up with you
F:No your not breaking up with me not now after I just got you back,

Now we were both full on tears,

B:You don't understand do you
F:Understand what
B:The target on my back is the only thing protecting you
F:What are you talking about
B:The black hood wants you dead Fangs he's been calling me saying that if I don't break up with you he'll kill you and Polly. God Fangs he knows where Polly is I don't want anything to happen to either of you,
F:Why didn't you tell me sooner
B:Because I'm scared as hell somethings going to happen
F:nothings going to happen we have the serpents.
B:They can't know your not even suppose to know there was only one person I was allowed to tell and they hate my guys right now
F:Who Veronica,Jughead?
B:Jug he was the only one I was allowed to tell but everyone hates me right now
F: That's not true Toni,Cheryl,Sweet Pea, and Kevin don't hate you.
B:He'll kill them though if I tell them and I don't want that
F:Baby B serpents protect there own I promise you they'll be fine.
B:Then we need to tell them.
F:Then let's go.

We get out jackets and go out to our bikes. Then we drive to the bar where everyone probably is. Once we get there we hold hands when we walk in. Then we see Cheryl, Toni, Kevin, Sweet pea, and Jug sitting at the bar.

F:Come on Betts you can do this.

So we walk over there where they are. Once we get there. They're all glaring at her,

J:What the hell are you doing here Elizabeth
B:Im serpent I'm allowed to be here.
C:No you aren't so get out
F:What the hell is your guys issue
T:Bettys Little friend came by for a visit.
F:What friend
B:Oh God what did he do now
J:He wanted to become and serpent and I told him no then he caused a fight.
F:Look archie hates her right now so it's not her fault
B:Fangs leave it.
T:Now what we're you really doing here,
B:I need your guys help
F:The black hood is threatening all of our safety.
J:Wait is that why you pushed me away

Betty just nodded and looks down. Then Jughead stands up and uses his pointer finger to bring her chin up so she looking  at him. The he hugs her.

J:Sorry for getting mad at you Sis and kicking you out of the trailer
B:It's okay you didn't know and btw I'm moving back in
J:I still should have tried talking to you instead of being a dick to you and okay
B:It's okay at least you guys know the truth now
T:B what can we do to help
B:I don't know
Sp:We need to track this guy down and make him pay for what he did to you
B:What no are you crazy he'll kill you

but after she says that the doors are thrown open and there stands the black hood he comes marching in and goes to us.

B.H:Elizabeth I told you not to tell anyone
B:Your not my boss
B.H:But I am

Then he takes his hood off and the face under it was Fp Jones. The brother and sister duo went pale, then Fp starts walking towards them. Jughead grabs Betty's arm to back up but she doesn't move.

Fp:Betty what are you doing standing there I'll just kill you
B:What the fuck is your problem you were a loving and caring dad until now your a pshyo.
Fp:I'm sorry betty but this town is full of sinners and you are one.

Now there face to face.

J:Betty come here please i can't lose you.
B:Your nothing to me now so get the hell out and never come back

She was ignoring Jughead and talking to Fp

Sp:Betty Boop come here please

She still ignored them


Everyone looks at me strangly but then she looks back to us mouths sorry then turns back to Fp

B:You can take me and kill me but your done after that you won't kill another soul
T:Betty no
Fp: Deal

They shake hands and both walk outside. But then you hear sirens and gunshots then screams coming from betty. We all run outside to see betty standing there Archie Andrews and Reggie Mantle outside with a gun in there hands then police cars pulling in and jumping out of there cars and running and grabbing fp. Then Veronica Lodge and Kevin Keller come running over they came out of a police car.


She looks at all of us then runs to the woods but she wasn't as fast as Archie he runs after her and brings her back.

B:Let me go
K:Betty talk to us
B:Im sorry
V:B don't be sorry we should be we shouldn't have let you push us all away we should have talked to you
A:Betty we didn't know we're sorry
B:It's all my fault
K:No its not don't say that.

Then she looks at me and then runs into my arms and hugs me for dear life.

C:Wait since when have you guys been a thing.
F:A few months
T:And you didn't tell us
Sp:Jeez Betts you like secert
F:She sure does
J:Hey take good care of her or I break your next
V:With all of our help
F:Got that noted. And last I checked she's been staying with me when you kicked her out
J:Okay I trust you with her

Rest of that night was a blur mainly us having drinking and getting wasted trying to forget that day all together

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