Army (Beronica)

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Betty and Jughead are brother and sister so betty is still serpent queen

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Elizabeth Lodge is the wife of Veronica Lodge. She is also a mother to a lovely little girl whose name is Emma Lodge. Emma is 5 years old and has brunette hair and blue eyes. Betty is in the army. She hasn't been home in 10 months and she lost connect with Veronica 5 months ago. 5 months ago when they lost connect there was a bomb that went off when they were face timing and the last thing Veronica and Emma heard was a scream that left Betty's mouth. It's now Christmas and Veronica doesn't have an idea if Bettys coming home. Cheryl, Toni, Kevin, Fangs, Sweet Pea, and Jug came over to be with Veronica and Emma on Christmas so they came over Christmas Eve and they spent the night.

V Pov
E: Mommy, mommy, Mommy wake up its Christmas Emma kept yelling while jumping up and down.
V: Why don't you go wake up everyone else. I say while catching her mid jump which makes her giggle.
E: Yay. She says while getting up and running out the door.

I'm happy she's not affected by betty not being here with us. She is just like Betty from the giggle to how she dresses well kind of her dresses are pink but they look like the ones I wear. God thinking about Betty I just want to cry I just want to know she's okay. I was pulled out of my thoughts by a knock on the door.

V: Come In. In walked Toni
T: V you okay
V: No I'm not I don't think I can be
T: I get it it's hard on everyone not having Bettys cheer and joy around and mainly at this time of year do you think you will be able to make the day.
V: Ya I have everyone here with me ill be fine
T: I'm here if you need to talk remember that
V: Thanks Toni
E: Mommy, auntie Toni come on everyone's up. We heard Emma yell from downstairs.

We both laugh and walk downstairs. Once we got downstairs Emma ran out of Fangs arm and into mine.

V: merry Christmas Pumpkin
E: Merry Christmas Mommy
C: Guys we have to get breakfast ready so why don't Me, Toni, and Veronica deal with it and the boys can do whatever.
V: Sounds like a plan.

We walk into the kitchen when the boys sit in the living room with Emma and watch Dora the Explorer. Once we walk in felt their eyes on me.

V: What's up guys
C: I asked Emma about betty this morning when she was waking up and she said she wishes that her mom wasn't dead. Why did she say that?
V:5 months ago there was a bomb and that was the last day anyone has talked to Betty. I say while letting tears slip out of my eyes.
C: V you could have told us we could have helped you.
T: She's right V we're here for you.
V: Everything's reminds me of her everything. There's a picture of her everywhere. There's Emma who reminds me so much of her. If she doesn't come back so help me I'm going to go mad and most likely go down to where she is and drag her home.
C: We'll figure something out I promise.
T: Okay we should probably start making breakfast

With that everyone started cooking and getting breakfast ready.After we talked and ate then the girls cleaned up all the dishes and everything. When we were done we let Emma open her presents since she was getting bored. After she opened all of her presents all the adults did theirs. We opened all the gifts but one card. Cheryl then got up and picked the card up and handed it to me.

C: I know it's not much but what comes with it the best thing ever.
E: What does it say, mommy.
V: It says to open the front door.
E: Can I open to door mommy.
V: Go ahead, baby.

We all get up and walk to the door. Emma slowly opens the door and on the other side was the one person I've been waiting to see for months. The one and only Betty Lodge.

B: Hey guys. She says with her famous Betty Lodge smile.
K: Baby B I've missed you.
F: We all have.

She walks in and hugs everyone. When she gets to Jughead she smiles.

J: Trouble what's up.
B: I've missed you.
J: Same here.

They hug then she comes to me and Emma. Emma hugs Betty and holds on for dear life as if it's the last time.

B: Hey cutie. She says with a giggle.
V: Bae how are you here I didn't think you were coming home for a while.
B: Cheryl and Toni got me out of a pickle that I was in.
C: Betty it was nothing.
T: Betty your like my sister I would do anything for you.

With that, we all walked into the living room. The order we sat in was Me, Betty, Fangs, and Kevin on the couch Fangs on Kevin's lap though. Then of the love seat Cheryl, Toni, and Emma. Emma was on Toni's lap. Then Jughead on one chair and sweet pea on the other one. We all sat and talked. I could tell Betty wasn't okay but I just want to give her time I'll probably talk to her later.

E: Mommy, can I show you something. Emma asks looking at Betty.
B: Ya sure.
E: Come on follow me.

Betty gets up and follows Emma upstairs. God, I love how life is now with having my wife back and having a good life.

B Pov

I'm following Emma upstairs and we go into Veronica and My room. I so confused right now but I just follow her. She walks up to my closet and opens it.

E: I don't like those clothes on you. Change, please.
B: Okay but why don't you wait for me downstairs and I'll be there in a minute.
E: Okay

She runs off and I let out a sigh. I'm happy she's didn't stay I didn't want her to see all my injuries from the bomb and other stuff. What no one knows but me, Toni, and Cheryl is that I was taken for 5 months. I've been being abused for that whole time. As I take off my outfit I see all of my bruises in the mirror. Then I start to cry. I've missed most of Emma's life. I didn't see her grow up which wasn't fair. As I put my clothes on I look around the room and see pictures everywhere. If I never left I could have been here for those moments I could have helped Veronica raise Emma as we planned on doing.

Sweet Pea Pov

Betty's like my sister the Cooper's and Jones's have been close since birth because well Betty and Jughead were born the same day as me. So we have been really close I realize Bettys been gone for a long time so I go upstairs to see if I can find Betty. I walk into there bedroom and see Betty on her bed crying.

Sp: Betts what's wrong
B: Sweet Pea you scared me. She says wiping her face off
Sp: Betts please talk to me.
B: I've been gone for her whole life I haven't been here for both of them I've missed so much.
Sp: Hey it's okay
B: No it's not okay I was so stupid to leave them.
Sp: No you weren't you were trying to protect them
B: Pea Please you know that it's all my fault

That was it a just grabbed her and hugged her and held on for dear life because I'm scared that she's going to leave.

Sp: Betty please don't leave again.
B: I can't after getting abused for 5 months I can't go back there. They didn't even want to find me after all.

We sat there in a hugging position for about 15 minutes then there was a knock on the door.

B: who is it. She says with a voice Crack
T: Everyone B can we come in.
B: Uh sure I guess

They all walked into the room and see me in sweet pea's arms. They all saw the tear stains in my eyes. We went into a group hug, we stayed there for 5 minutes.

T:Guys as much as we all love betty and missed her the couple needs time alone.

Everyone says bye and leaves the last two to leave was jughead and sweet pea and once they left but we went straight to the couch.

V:I missed you
B:I missed you too V you have no idea.

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That night Elizabeth and Veronica Lodge had a night of cuddling and giggling that night they promised each other that no one will leave every again.

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