Bulldogs Vs Serpents (Multiple Ships)

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No Pov

The Bulldogs and the serpents have never gotten along but when it comes to Elizabeth Jones they are at war. Today was one of those days. The bulldogs walk in on the serpents meeting who were waiting for Betty.

R:Listen up scums. You'll leave Betts out of any serpent business of yours.if you don't you guys are going to have an issue.
Sp:How about you just leave her alone and she stays with us.

That made archie Andrews one of the many boys that likes betty mad. He then through a punch which caused a huge fight between the two groups of people. They were fighting until she walks in.

B Pov

I'm walking to a serpent meeting. I'm serpent princess so I have to run the meetings or jughead my brother who is serpent prince has to run them. As I'm walking I got this weird feeling in my stomach. I only get this feeling when something bad is going to happen to the serpents or one of them is hurt. I sped my walking up to a jog. I got to the room where we have meetings or hang out during school. I walk into the room we use and see a huge fight between the serpents and bulldogs. They all stop once they see me.

B:What the hell is going on here.

This is the fourth fight this week and it's only Tuesday first break.

R:Bulldogs your princess is here.
B:Thats it

I leave and go find Veronica and Cheryl and bring them into the room where we are.

B: V please tell your boyfriend that I'm southside princess not northside Princess and that some one else is the northside Princess.
V:But B you are both north and south sides queen or princess
B:Thats it I'm done I quit the serpents and being the bulldogs princess.
Sp:Babe you don't mean that do you.
B:Sweets i have to you guys keep starting random fights because of me and I'm tired of it.

Then the Gargoyles run in. Causing everyone to start protecting me.

J:What do you want Kurtz
K:We need to save the princess bring her to her proper home
B:God no not again.Kurtz we've talked about this just because you have a crush on me doesn't mean I'll go with you and your crazy gang.
K:But you saw my mission he wants us together to bring your gang and my gang to peace
B:I'll come with you but I'm not doing the mission
Sp:NO your not going with them
V:Yeah there's no way your going with them
K:Betty let's go now

I start walk towards Kurtz and one of the Gargoyles grabbed my arm to make sure I don't try and escape. Everyone in the room looks at me scared. They know that they'll end up hurting me some how. The bulldogs are ready to attack so are the serpents but with me standing right there scared there going to hurt me.

No Pov

The Gargoyles walk out of the room dragging Betty with them. And in the room they were in the Serpents and Bulldogs are trying to figure out how to get her back. It's been 30 minutes when Jughead,Archie,Fangs,Reggie, Toni, and Sweet pea's phones went off. It was a text from Kurtz it was a photo off betty beat up and unconscious on the floor and that was when they all had enough. They all walked out of the room and towards the front doors to leave they were going to get there girl back. Veronica and Cheryl caught up to the boys plus Toni and was trying to stop them.

C:are you guys crazy your going to get yourselves hurt
V:You guys are going to war with a gang that has killed alot of people
R:Why do you think we're going to get betty
T:SO she doesn't end up killed
V:You guys are crazy
J:I'm not letting my sister get killed so it's either your with us or get out of our way

With that they joined them the rest of the bulldogs and serpents catched up with them. They walked to there motorcycles or trucks or whatever they drive and drove to the lair for the Gargoyles they all march in there and attack them. EVERYONE but Toni,Cheryl, Veronica, Reggie, Archie, Sweetpea, Fangs, Kevin, and Jughead went to find Betty. They ran as fast as they could. Then they heard a scream they didn't want to hear. It was betty screaming on the top of her lungs. So they ran faster. They find a room where they hear crying they try to open the door but it's locked so Sweet Pea and Jughead kick it over when they finally got in they walked in to see betty on the ground with alot of cuts on her body. Toni and Cheryl ran to betty immediately then Fangs and Reggie then Archie and veronica then Sweetpea and Jughead. Kurtz then walked in

K:You found her
J:What did you do to her
Sp:You son of a bitch how could you

Then Reggie,Archie,Fangs,and Jughead started to beat Kurtz up. When that was happening Sweet Pea picked betty up and carried her to the truck with Toni,Cheryl, and Veronica following him. Once Sweet Pea got Betty out of there and in the truck. He honked the horn signaling for the serpents and bulldogs to go. Everyone came running out of the building and into there vehicles and drove off. Betty was in the truck with Reggie and Archie. She was leaning on Reggie and was only semi-conscious.

A:Betty we're not that far from the hospital just hold on a little longer please

When he looks at her he doesn't realize that he speed up a little bit and was a held of everyone by alot. After 5 minutes they finally arrived at the hospital and reggie grabbed betty and ran into the hospital yelling for help with Archie behind him. The doctors finally took her from Reggie and him and archie waited in the waiting room. 8 minutes later the inner circle came rushing in.

3 hours later
Jugs Pov

We've been in this hospital for 3 dam hours and I'm going to start screaming soon we have no info on if she's okay or anything like that. My dad got here 2 hours ago and is the same way as me.

Doc:Elizabeth Jones.
Fp:Is she okay
Doc:Yes she is more then okay you could have seen her 2 and a half hours ago she just didn't want to see you guys.
Sp:What why
Doc:Go ask her

We all rush into her room and when we walk into her room her head is facing the window

B:Hey guys

She says looking at us now. She looked broken, upset, annoyed, scared,confused you name it she looked everything but happy.

Fp:How you feeling
Sp:Babe I don't think your good
B:Im fine okay?
J:Guys can you give me and Betty a minute
C:Yeah we'll be back in 10

They all leave and I move myself closer to betty by sitting on the chair by her bed.

J:Betts what's really going on
B:Im scared
B:When I was with the Gargoyles they said something tuff that I can't wrap my head around that's why I didn't want to see you guys yet because I was still trying to wrap my head around it.
J:I'm sorry you had to go through that
B:It's not your fault
J:But it is im the serpent king I should be able to protect our kind and more importantly you. Your my sister and my best friend and the queen to the serpents like I should be able to protect the most important person in my life but I can't even do that
B:Hey yes you can you were just stressed and when everything happened you were in shock
J:Thank you for talking to me

Just as I say that everyone comes running back in

C: Dear cousin are you okay
B:Not right now but i will be as long as I have you guys here im good

No Pov

After that they talked for a little bit and the doctor let betty out that night so they went to pops and enjoyed themselves and laughed and had fun when the night was over it felt like they made up for that day. And as for Betty she was starting to wrap her head around everything that the Gargoyles had said and just realized that they were messing with her head that's all. When everyone went home betty decided to go with Sweet pea instead. And that night they just enjoyed being in each others arms and them being safe.

2 days later

Betty was back at school and moving fine. She walked in the meeting room and saw the serpents and bulldogs.

B:What's going on
R:We decided we want to join forces with you guys we want there to be not more fighting and us being able to help with your missions.
J:SO what do you say Betts you in
B:Hell yeah I'm in that mean no more deciding who's queen I am.

Then everyone started laughing and reggie and Jughead shaked on it. After that day the serpents and bulldogs were friends and there was no more fighting.

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