Being Younger Sucks (Multiple Ships)

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Betty Pov

Meet me Elizabeth Cooper the slut of Riverdale High. I life with my cousin Cheryl and my "family" which is Kevin, Josie, Toni, Sweet Pea, Jughead, and Fangs. We all live in Thistle House which Nana Rose gave to me and Cheryl before she passed away. The only reason I'm allowed to live with the serpents and Cheryl is because my dad's dead, my mom died overdosed over 3 years ago, and polly left me for an evil cult.
So this is my life. My only issue is that I'm a year younger then all of them. They graduated last year and I do this year so I have to go a year without them which shouldn't be hard right? Wrong. I get bullied because I use to be the perfect girl next door until I became the serpent kings slut. What no one knows but Kevin and Toni is that I get over 10 notes every day with some mean comment on them. It pisses me off but it's Archie Andrews doing it the golden boy of riverdale so I can't so anything about it. Anyways it's like any other day at school me walking towards the Blue and Gold the only safe place I have when I get a text from 'Juggie💘'

Juggie💘:Hey Betts Ik your at school but just letting you know that me and Sweets are going to get some supplies from Toledo so we won't be home until way after school so we won't be able to pick you up. Srry

Betts😜:It's okay Jug I'll figure out how to get home

Juggie💘:Okay have fun at hell bye

Betts😜: Bye

Good now I can ditch rest of the day. So I walk to my locker to get everything out of it. When 9 notes fall out I don't bother to read them I'll read them when I get home. So I put them in my back pack then walk to the front desk.

B:Miss I don't feel good can I sign out for the day
Miss:Of course just sign here and have a good day.

So I sign the paper and leave. I start walking when I get a call from Cheryl

On phones

C:Hey B
B:Hey cher what's up
C:I just got a call saying you left for the day everything okay
B:Yeah I just don't  feel good
C:You know Sweets and Jug are gone right
C:Then how are you getting home
C:No just sit tight I'll be there in a little bit to get you
B:Cher you don't have to do that
C:But I do if your sick we don't need it getting worse.
B:Okay I'll see you in a bite

End of call

I waited 5 minutes when a cherry red car drove up

C:Get in
B:Okay okay

I got in and we drive off

C:You don't look sick are you sure that's it
B:Yeah that's it.

Rest of the ride was me and Cheryl singing and laughing. When we got to the house I saw Toni, Fangs, Kevin, Sweet Pea, and Jug head's motorcycles then my car Josies was gone so im guessing shes at reharals and then Cheryl parks next to mine.

C:Why didn't you drive your car today
B:It needs to go in the shop I'll deal with it later.

Then we walk inside and Cheryl sits on the couch and I walk to my room which i share with Toni. It works me and Toni share a room, Cheryl and Josie share one, Fangs and Sweets share one,and Kevin and Jughead share one. So I walk in and see Toni sleeping so I sneak into the bathroom and take a shower I'm hoping she has one of her naps that lasts til 4 because that's when I'm normally home. I get in the shower but then I hear shuffling coming from my room. But i don't bother looking I'm in the shower for another 5 minutes then I get out and put my outfit on.

Bettys Outfit👇

Bettys Outfit👇

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