Crushed (Betty X Friendships)

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Sorry it's so short
No Pov

Betty's boyfriend has never really been the nicest. He always would get mad at her for hanging out with her friends and he would always get mad when a guy looks at her. But Betty always loved him the same and always apologized when it wasn't her fault. None of Betty's friends really like him but support Betty because she is family to them. But the last news about Betty and Chuck broke up because Betty wasn't good enough for him. So now she is broken inside because she thought they were forever. So it was no surprise when she showed up at her original house with tears on her face. The thing was Betty and Chuck lived together so she now had to move back home. But when she knocked on the door and Fangs opened the door so got really scared on how everyone would react.

Fangs: What are you doing here Betty? Are you okay? Why are you crying?
Betty: Me and Chuck broke up. He said I wasn't good enough for him.
Fangs: Aw, come here.

Betty: No, I just want to come in.
Fangs: Okay? Well come on in.
Betty: Thanks.

Betty wasn't trying to be rude when she said she didn't want a hug but she didn't want a lot of attention about this. She walks inside and goes into the living room/gathering room. When she walked in there all eyes were on her.

Jughead: Betts, what are you doing home?

Jughead says while giving her a hug.

Betty: Uh...... Well me and Chuck broke up so I'm moving back home if it's okay with dad?

By now Betty had no tears on her face so no one knew she was crying before.

Fp: Of course it's okay Honey. I would always let you stay here if you needed it.
Betty: Thanks dad.
Fp: Do you want to tell us how you feel at least?
Betty: I'm just really hurt I guess crushed would explain more about how I feel.
Toni: Betty it will be okay. You'll get through it you always do.
Betty: I guess you're right.
Sweet Pea: Nope you have to say you WILL be 100% okay at the end of the day.
Betty: No, I don't know if you realize this but I was dating Chuck for years. I thought that me and him would be forever yet he broke my heart because I wasn't good enough for him. So please go ahead and tell me this stuff because I don't believe it for a second.
Cheryl: Enough, Betty you are so awesome and amazing so Chuck just lost one of the best things ever so don't say that you're not good enough because you are so perfect.
Betty: Thanks guys I guess I needed to hear that.
Jughead: You are so amazing you would have heard it sooner of later.
Archie: Now come give us some hugs.
Betty: Nope, not happening.
Veronica: Elizabeth Anne Jones I will kick your ass if you don't come give me a hug.
Betty: Gotta catch me first.

With that Betty ran off and all of her friends ran after her. After running around for about 10 minutes everyone was out of breath.

Kevin: Come give us a hug that is all we are asking for.

Kevin says while trying to catch his breath. And since everyone was out of breath Betty decided to jump on Archie's back since he was the closest.

Betty: Here's your hug.
Archie: Geez I went through so much trouble to still get what I wanted at the end.

Betty: Well I needed a hug anyways.
Veronica: This summer our job is to live the best lives we can and make Betty forget about Chuck,

Everyone in the house nods their heads then goes into their own little convos. Little did everyone know that it was going to be very easy to help Betty because she had fallen out of love for Chuck a long time ago. What no one knew was that Betty had been crushed inside so she would probaly never love again because she is now scared of getting hurt again. 

End of Summer.

The first few weeks of summer was rough but the more Betty hug out with her friends the more she forgot about Chuck. She was now happy but she was still hurt inside but she did't say anything because she didn't want to put pressure on everyone so she stayed quiet. Betty soon became herself again which made everyone really happy. And once summer was almost done everyone knew that stuff was going to change because nothing is ever normal in Riverdale.

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