He should love you for you (Swetty)

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B Pov

Im in love with the perfect boy next door his name is Reggie Mantle. He is the golden boy of riverdale. But the only issue is that Im the bad girl from the wrong side of the tracks. We've been dating for about a year now but he doesn't know where I live or anything like that. We were hanging out today at pop's and talking. But then a group of serpents walk in. I look closely and see it's Toni,Fangs,Sweet Pea,Jug, and Cheryl. They see me and wave and Reggie sees. 

R:Why are serpents waving at you
B:I don't know
R:Want me to tell them to bad off
B:No it's okay
R:Are you sure

We talked for another 10 minutes then we headed to the door to leave when Cheryl said something.

C:Betts come join us
J:Yeah come hang out for a little bit sis

Then Reggie looked at me in shock.

R:Your a Serpent

But he cut me off

R:No you know what happned to my father because of you scum bags
B:Those were the Ghoulies not the serpents
R:Still we have bad blood with the serpents and you know it
R:No Elizabeth
B:Reggie go outside

Then he walks outside me following him

R:How could you. You told me your not apart of them. Then I'm now finding out you are apart of them. You lied to my why?
B:Because I love you and I known as a fact that you wouldn't love me if I told you the truth.
R:You know what we are over I hate you
B:Reggie Please
R:Shut up

Then he slaps me. Im guessing the serpents saw because they all came rushing out.Sweet Pea,Fangs, and Jug satnding in front of me. Cheryl and Toni stand beside of me holding on to me. I had tears in my eyes because of the break up and the slap I never would have thought Reggie would slap me because Im a serpent.but here we are.

R:We are over you nasty slut
Sp:Watch your mouth
R:Why should I
Sp:Because I dumb ass I know as a fact that I saw  you and Veronica Lodge making out in the boys locker room.
B:SO your a man whore Shocker
C:Oh wow dick head Reggie everyone watch out
J:You got 3 seconds to get out of my face or I get to beat your ass.
R:Why do you have a right to beat me up
J:You fucking cheated on my sister dumbass I have every right to attack you.
R:Fine I'll go

Then he leaves. I feel my legs shaking under me, then I feel myself starting to get dizzy. Then everything black.

Sp Pov

We just scared off Reggie and we all look at betty. But she faints as soon as we look at her. I quickly pick her up.

J:Well shit
C:Where should we bring her
T:Bring her to Sweet Pea's I left my first aid stuff there and her meds are in there,
F:Then let's go

We walk to are bikes and Cheryl's car. I put Betty in Cheryl's car and get on my bike. We drive to my trailer and wr go in. Jug who is carrying betty puts her on the couch and Toni does as much as she can. Then betty starts to stir causing all of us to look at her. Her eyes then open.

F:Hey betts how you feel
B:I don't know
J:Betty I get you have multiple emotions right now but can you tell us at least one.
B: heart broken

She says with a sigh

B:I shouldn't have been so stupid to really think that a bulldog can fall in love with a worthless serpent
T:Betty your not worthless
B:But I am. He broke up with me because I was a serpent. If he know this from the first day we went out I would be dead by now.
T:What are you talking about
B:2 years ago. When i was younger i always went to Reggie's house.I had heard rumors that him and his family killed my mom. I was really upset and got drunk then went to his house. When he opened the door I saw Penny inside yelling at his dad saying how he killed my mom and he would pay for it. So I stepped in before she did something stupid but it was to late. She pointed a gun at Reggie's dad's head and killed him. I tackled penny but it was already to late. I blamed myself for so long and I still do. But i grabbed Penny by the ear and pulled her out of the house and started yelling at her. But then my dad and Toni pulled up for I don't know reason but they dragged me away from Penny and made me run. I had to be away from Riverdale until they dropped the case which they didn't do until 4 months later.
T:Oh I remember that. You were ready to kill me for dragging you out of there.
B:I messed up big time
Sp:Betty it wasn't your fault
B:But it was if I was a little bit faster I could have saved an innocent man from being killed.

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