no no no no (Multiple Ships)

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Fp Pov

We were all at the bar and when I mean we I mean Betty, Jughead, Toni, Cheryl, Sweetpea, Fangs, Kevin, Archie, Reggie, Veronica, Jb,and me. Plus a whole bunch of other serpents. We are at the bar drinking and going mad. But Betty,Cheryl, Veronica, and Jb were just sitting there doing nothing.

B: Dad I'm tired
Fp: Why don't you go to my office and take a nap
B: But I don't want too
Sp: What if I carried you there
B: No
C: Betty come with me. We'll go to thronhill and have a sleepover tonight
V: mind if I join
C: Sure
T: me too baby
C: Of course baby girl
B: Jb you want to come too
Jb: Wait really
B: Of course come on
Jb: Dad?
Fp: Sure go have fun
Jb: I love you
Fp: Love you too

Then they leave. Leaving me, Fangs,  Sweet Pea, Jughead,  Kevin, Archie, and Reggie here. We continue and keep talking.

B Pov

We were driving separately meaning Cheryl was driving her car and Jb and Veronica were with her. Then me and Toni we're driving our bikes. We arrive in 5 minutes and we all run inside. We all run to Cheryl's room and jump on her bed.

C: Okay So what should we do first
B: Face masks duh
V: I agree with B
Jb: What's a face mask
T: you've never heard of a face mask
Jb: No
C: Elizabeth why hasn't she heard of after face mask
B: Mom and dad don't want her ending up like me
T: SO you don't do anything girly with her or anything badass.
B: Nope
V: Ok well tonight is going to be a long night
C: first let's go get candles from downstairs
B: you guys go do that, I have to go to the washroom first
C: Okay you remember where it is right
B: No not really
C: TT do you mind
T: Come on betty

Me and Toni go to the washroom and the girls go downstairs.

T: Do you need me to wait out here for you or can I go meet up with the girls
B: do you mind waiting
T: Of course not
B: Then can you. The house is too big for me to remember how to get around
T: Yeah I get that

I go inside the bathroom and do my business. But then I hear screams and smell something burning. I put my pants back on
and go out side to see Toni looking at me in fear.

T: Betts they dropped a few candles when they were lit up and now the whole house is in fire. We need to get to Cheryl's room. We can jump out of the window and make it out safely.
B: Ok
T: Let's go

She grabs my arm and drags me to Cheryl's room. She opens the window and looks down.

T: You ready
B: You go first
T: Okay

She jumps and makes it out okay. She lands and I was about to jump but then a peice of wood fell and hit me then black.

Fp Pov

We were at the bar. Talking and laughing when my phone starts ringing. I pick it up and the odds caller is 'Jb'. So I pick it up.

Fp: What's up Jb
Jb: Dad we dropped a few candles now thronhill's on fire and Betty and Toni are inside still.
Fp: What! we're on our way
Jb: Toni jumped out of Cheryl's window but bettys still in there and the roof is starting to fall.
FP: We'll be there in a minute JB. Just hold in tight

Then I hung up. I looked at the boys who were looking at me.

FP: We need to go now
J: What's going on
FP: the girls dropped a few candles and now thronhill is on fire. Betty's still inside too.

Once I finished that setence everyone that was in the inner circle was gone and on there bikes. We drove to Thornhill and when we got there the whole thing was on fire almost.

FP: Cheryl, has Betty came out yet
C: A fire man just went in to get her. But I don't know if she's going to be okay
FP: Wait so she's still in there
T: She's right there

Pointing in the direction of a man walking out with her.

SP: Oh god

We now are all looking at Betty in fear.

Fp: Why the hell didn't anyone go inside to get her
T; We didn't want to die
Fp: so you let her
C: We're sorry okay. Toni jumped and made it then the roof fell right on top of her
Fp: She needs to be okay
Sp: What the hell went wrong. All you did was get candles
V: We were downstairs and betty was with Toni upstairs going to the washroom and we lit the candles up. I spun around knocking one down and then the fire started to move through the house because of the carpets that are though the whole house.
FP: Ugh
SP: We need to check on her
FP: I will you kids stay here.
J: Dad
FP: Boy don't you dare agure with me about this. Your sister might be dead and I don't want you there to hear that.

Jughead gave up and then I walked off to go and check on Betty. I walk up to the fireman that has Betty.

FM: Is this your daughter?
FP: Yeah it is.
FM: She'll be okay just really burned.
FP; Is she's going to take a long time for her to heal.
FM: We won't know yet.
FP: Can you please get her help.
FM: Yeah of coruse we'll update you soon 
FP: Thank you

The fireman walks off and then the gang runs up to me.

J: Will she be okay?
Fp: they don't know yet.
T: How bad is she
Fp: She's really burnt
T: She should have jumped out of the window before me. It should be me that's in pain not her
C: TT it's fine
T: No, It's not that should be me not her. I should be the one dying.
SP: She's not dying
F: She'll be fine.

Then Jughead starts to fall.

SP Pov

FP: Jug, Don't you dare.
J: Dad it hurts,
JB: You better being faking this.
J: Jb I'm not it hurts like hell.
FP: Hell no.
V: FP what is it.
FP: She's dead.
SP: You're lying.
JB: He's not. When ever Betty's on her death table. Jughead gets this pain.
F: She's really dead.
FP: Yeah she is.
J: No she's not. This isn't Betty this is someone near Betty.
C: Who.

Then Betty lets out a scream. We all going running to where she is and see a dead doctor.

SP: Betts what happened?
R: Are you okay?
B: he--- she--- they.
A: Betts Breath. What happened.
B: Penny.........
SP: Betty she's dead
B: And so am I
SP: What are you talking about?
B: You are the only one that survied all of this. Everyone else died with me in the fire.

Then everyone around he starts fading and I'm standing there alone.

Just then I jolt awake. It was all a dream. I felt a hand go on my arm and a tired voice.

B: Baby?
SP: Hey.
B: Are you okay?
SP: It was just a nightmare.
B: Do you want to talk about it?
SP: No, not really.
B: What do you want then.
SP: To hold you. Let me make sure your okay 24/7.
B: If that's what you want.
SP: I want you to be safe.
B: If this is about the Ghoulie Mission I'm going on I won't go if you don't want me too.
SP: No go, just let me know your safe and don't leave me,
B: I'll always be safe baby. Now go back to sleep we'll talk about this in the morning.
SP: Ok.

So I go back to sleep but this time dreaming about the future I'm going to have with my Blonde beatuy.

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