Sizeure (Betty and Serpents)

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Cheryl Pov

Me and Betty were having a sleepover every friday since we were 14. We are not 20 and still doing it. We were talking and having fun. But then I got a text from FP saying that there is a rait going on. And at the same time as me betty got a message. Hopefully saying the same thing because I do not feel like explaining it to her. She had fear all over her face so im pretty sure it's the same message,

B:Cheryl do you I don't know maybe have your bow with you
C:Yeah I do
B:We need it
C:Why we just don't have to leave the house
B:Cheryl there after me, I don't want Jb, my mom or anyone else getting hurt because of me
C:Then let's go

We get up and walk downstairs then we get my bow and be gets her pocket knife and gun.

B:As I'll ever be
C:Then let's go

We get on our motorcycles and head to where Fp told us the hide. But of course once we got there was ghoulies everywhere,

B:Where do we go now
C:I'll text Fp

SO I text Fp and with in 5 minutes he replys saying that he sent some serpents to help us out. But the issue was my phone dinged so then the ghoulies heard it so they found us. They grab Betty and cloth her so she passes out. Then they start punching me. So I get knocked out.

B Pov

They knocked Cheryl out and I'm trying to get out of there grip but I'm being dragged so then they throw me in the back of a van and drive off. Once we get there they put a bag on my head so I can't see. I know we are where the rait is because I can hear fighting but I don't know what they want with me.  But then the bag is taken off my head. I see every ghoulie and serpent looking at us. Then a whole bunch of them spoke up saying 'let her go' but they didn't then Fangs and Jug came running Toni and Cheryl right behind them. Wait Cheryl's okay thank you.

J:Let her go
Sp:Your playing a very dangerous game right now
M:I could care less.

I feel my body start shaking. This can't be happening. There's something no one knows but me, Toni, Sweet Pea and Cheryl. I've had 4 of them. This can't happen right now.

B:Cher,TT, Pea

The three of them looks at me with fear in their eyes. But then I got knocked out

Cheryl Pov

C:Let her go your going to cause her to die
M:Im not going to kill her
C:That's not what i mean
M:Then what are you talking about
C:Just let her go
M:Not until you tell me
T:Stop before you kill her
P:Now now Pinkie and Red she's fine
T:But she's not Penny you don't know anything about her
P:Oh so I don't know how she's been in and out of the hostipital 4 times this week and last week. I don't know how you paid Dr.Masters exact money so he won't say anything. And I don't know you've been telling Fp,Gladys,Jughead,Fangs,Sweet Pea, and Jb that betty has been staying at your house over night when she is really staying at the hostipital over night.
C:Shut up you have no idea what's really going on
P:So Betty hasn't been having Sizeures and killed her kid because of it
T:Shut up you bitch. You need to mind your own.
M:But it's fun spying on her.
P:we even saw what you guys do at sleepovers. Like why would you make her look like a northsider that's not her.
C:Penny you haven't been in her life for 15 years why would you want to be now.
P:Because she's MY daughter not Gladys's. Betty doesn't really love Gladys like a real mom. She's just trying to replace me.
P:Throw her

She says that then Malachai picks her up and throws her over the edge that lead to a river and all the ghoulies run for it. Toni and Me automaiclly run to the edge and see her floting in the water. Then Sweet Pea comes behind us.

SP:Topaz hold this.

He hands her a ring box and his keys, wallet, and phones. Then he jumps in the water and gets betty out safely.  We seek a peak at the box and see a ring that is the prettiest thing Ive ever seen. Then we close it because Sweet Pea was walking up here with betty. Her eyes were still open. She looks and sees everyone then her eyes go to the back of her head.

C:Sweet Pea put her down.

He does it and right when he does she starts having a sizeure.


Fp,Jug,Toni,Fangs, and me run to her and Sweet pea kneel down next to her. I put her head on my lap and hold it still and Toni grabs her arms and Sweet Pea grabs her arms. We hold her still for about 2 minutes then she stops having the sizeure but is knocked out. We all are aroud her now just talking.

FP:How many has she had with each of you
J:She's had 12 sizeures and hasn't told anyone but you guys
FP:If she keeps having them she could die you know that
FP:Then why didn't you tell anyone
C:Because I know what the problem is and theres nothing that can help her
Fp:really then whats the issue
C:The pills you and Gladys put her on are casuing them. I told her not to take them for a while and see what happens and the sizeures just got worse so then I told her to go back on the pills
FP:Gladys what pills is she talking about

He says turning around looking at her

G: I put her on pills as a test for one of the drugs I need

She mumbled drugs so Fp couldnt hear her

FP:What did you put her on and dont mumble the word you dont want me hearing
G:Im the drug lord so I put Betty on a new one I was trying to make but it didnt work right and caused her to have a sizeure instead
FP:Your telling me you put my daughter the serpent princess on drugs. You know I could have every serpent attack you.
G:I could care less I never cared about her
Fp:Get out of my face

Then she left.  And once she left betty started stiring then her eyes opened and she shot up. And looked around dazed.

C:Betty your okay calm down
T:How you feeling
B:Im fine
Fp:Betts we talked to Gladys she's the one who did this to you
J:Betts we need to know how long you've been on the drugs
B:Uh around 3 months
Fp:We are going to try and take you off the drug and see how that works.
Sp:Betty you want to go for a walk with me

He helps her stand up and they start walking towards the woods. I know he is going to give the ring to her. I'm so excited.

Betty Pov

Sweet Pea is taking me on a walk right now. I don't know why he asked me to go for a walk but I'm getting a feeling I don't know if it's good or bad though. We keep walking until we make it to a cliff. There was a sunset it was so pretty. I see out of the corner Pea  smirking at me so I turn and look at him.

SP:You just look really pretty right now
B:Sweet Pea! Stop it
SP:But then I would be lying
B:I don't feel pretty half the time
SP:Most likely because your goreous
B:Stop your going to make me blush
SP:I'm not going to stop because I love you to much to not make you blush. Geez I want to make you blush your whole life. Betty when I look at you I see my whole life. I don't do this  lovely dovely shit so I'm going to get straight to the point.

Then he got down on one knee and took a ring box out and opened it. I start tearing up. I'm now crying.

SP:Betty Jones will you marry me
B:Of Course I could never say no.
SP:I love you

He says that while getting up and putting the ring on my finger,

B:I love you too
Sp:Want to head back.
B:I want to enjoy the moment
Sp:SO no
B:Not yet

He then hugs me and we stand like that for 5 minutes and then we head back, and we were finally happy.

4 months later

I've been off the drugs for 4 months now and it helped I stopped having Sizeures and I was happy about it. So I'm finally free and have a right to go crazy. So that's the story of my past we just need to wait and see the future.

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