Moving (Multiple Ships)

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B Pov
My mom wants me to move to the farm. I think I want to move there but I'm not a 100 percent sure yet. My friends still love me so I have them but it's my mom how could I leave her. Right now I'm about to tell everyone I might move into the farm. We are all in the blue and gold. I told them I really needed to talk to them so they look really scared.

J: What did you need to tell us Betts
B: I'm going to the farm with mom. I'm conpletely moving there
T: Betty you know what they do are you crazy?
B: It's what's best for me
SP: But it's really not
B: My Step dad agreed. He think it's will help with my stress
F: But it won't you saved me just before they were going to do something horrible to me
B: Look I have to keep my mom safe and I need to keep me safe.
SP: Why aren't you safe
B: Because someone is after me
C: WHo is we'll kill them
B: My step dad's friemey escaped jail and is after me. I don't need you guys in danger so I'm going to the farm for protection
J: Betty you have all the serpents on your side
T: And the pretty posions
B: I don't know
SP: Just give us a day to give you reasons to not move in with them
B: Fine 1 day that's it
J: Okay

Then they walk off like they're on a mission.This is going to be a long day.

20 Minutes later

They finally came a grabbed me bring me to a room. When we got to the room I saw Cheryl and Toni standing there. They smile at me then grab me and drag me in other the room.

B: What is this about
C: Remember the day you got me and TT together
B: Yeah
T: We always say we would pay you back but we never have
C: We have something from your dad that I found at my house. I never wanted to give it to you because I always know something was going to happen like this so I planned on using it when I need it so here

She hands me a book. It has a letter in it. So I open the letter and read it

Dear Betty,

I know your not getting this from me but I was planning on giving it to you on your 18th birthday but then I found out you were sick so I gave it to your aunt. Betty i'm sorry that I got sick and left you I tried my best to fight for my life but I failed and I'm sorry. I love you so much sweet heart. I hope you will end up being this smart and beautiful girl. Betts I'm writting this to say goodbye one more time.

Love,Dad xoxo xoxo

I started crying a little bit. I haven't gotten anything from my dad when he died so this makes me so happy.

B: Thank you Cheryl
C: No problem Betts
B: But this doesn't make me want to stay
C: Betty come on I know that you don't want to leave
B: Cheryl I have no where to go if my mom goes to the farm so what do you think I'm going to do
J: Can stay with me and my dad
Sp: Or me
T: Or you could come live with me and Cheryl
A: Betty you have a lot of options so please don't go

Then Edgar, my mom, and Evelyn walk in.

Al: Elizabeth let's go
B: I'm not going with you
Ed: Betty I know you still don't trust me but I'm here to help you
Ev: Come on betty we here to help you
B: No I'm not going with you
Al: Betty i'm not fighting with you let's go

She grabs my wrist and starts pulling me. But then Cheryl and Toni grabs my other wrist and pulls me the other way.

T: Let her go
Ed: She's sick
C: No she's not
Ev: Yes she is do you not know how much pain she feels
J: Yes we do and we help her
Al: But you don't she is depressed and upset all the time so it prove you don't do anything

They keep fighting over me then I feel something in right arm which my mom,and Edgar were pulling on. I felt something rip. I let out a scream and everyone let's go of my arms,

Al: What now Elizabeth
B: I think you broke my arm
T: Can I touch it
B: Sure

She touches it and I yelp. She quickly removes her hand from my arms

T: You broke it
B: I can tell
Sp: We need to get you to the hospital
B: No I need to figure this out first
J; Betty it's not going to heal if you don't go now
B: I'll live
F: Betty come on

I ingore them and look at my mom and the other two

B: I'm not going with you guys. So please leave
Al: Betty we're trying to help you please just stop listening to your friends and come and join us.
B: No. Mom your only in the farm because you think it will help you get rid of the pain you feel.
Al: Betty come on
B: No, now if you don't mind I need to get my arm put back in place
Ed: Betty all you have to do is say that your sick and the farm will help you
B: for the last time I'm not sick. But i am injured so if you don't mind bye bye bitches

Then we all leave. Me and my gang leave and go to the hospital.

After getting checked up on

So I did break my arm but it will heal in about 6-8 weeks. Then the Lord. Right now we are at my house when my sister walks in.

Jb: Hey guys. What's going on
B: We want to kick mom out of the house. You want to help us
Jb: Yeah sure
J: Come help us burn all her clothes first
Jb: Okay

We head out side and burn everything mom owns. When she gets home she's going to want to move out.

After alice gets home

Al: Where's all of my stuff
Jb: We burned it
Al: Why
B: Because you are no longer welcome in this house
Al: this is my house not yours
J; it's really dad's house and he didn't leave it in your name he left it in ours so you can get out
Al: You'll all regret this later when you have no one to look after you
B: I can cook, Jughead cleans already, and Jb will help out when needed. And as for paying for it. I've talked to the mayor and she's okay with us not paying for our trailer so bye bitch you need to get out

She huffs and leaves. We finally don't have a parent to watch us. Yay. That's just how we got her out of the house not of our lives but she never did return it's like she was scared of us but whatever.

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