Go to Jail (Multiple Ships)

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You can't stop me with the swetty I ship them so much. So most of my one-shots Swetty will be dating and bughead is brother and sister. Also, the Farmies are in this it's just they all get along. Besides Edgar, he's the only bad person.

No one Pov

A few cops walk into the gym where all the students were waiting for Betty Cooper to get an award from the mayor for stopping the black hood.Her boyfriend Sweet pea was so proud just like all her friends. They were all standing while Josie was singing "Fair Riverdale" (Idk if this a real song I just made it up) everyone was standing there smiling. Until one of the cops walked up to Betty and put handcuffs on her.

Cop: Elizabeth Jones your under arrest for the murdering of Edgar Evernever. Anything you say or do, will be used against you in court. You have a right to a lawyer if you can't afford a lawyer we will give you.

They walk off. Betty looks up at all her friends one last time before they leave the gym. They were all shock. Betty Jones badass serpent who never did anything wrong was getting arrested. Everyone leaves the gym. They were dismissed for the day after what just happened. The gang (Sweet pea, Fangs, Kevin, Cheryl, Toni, Archie, Jughead, Veronica) went to pops. Jughead called Fp to get help. They waited 5 minutes before Jb and Fp walked in.

Fp: What the hell happened.
J: Betty was arrested for murdering Edgar.
Fp: DID they say what day it happened
F: No
Fp: We need to go down to the station
Jb: Dad you're the Sheriff can't you get her out.
Fp: I can try but I don't know.
Sp: Then let's go.

They all walked out of pops after paying went to there motorcycles and cars and drove to the station.

Fp Pov:

My daughter was just arrested for a crime she didn't do and I'm pissed off mainly because I'm Sheriff this should have gone past me first before anything happened but also because I don't know if I can get her out.

Fp: Who arrested Elizabeth Jones.
Cop: Hiram Lodge said he watched her kill him and we went to his place to go check on him and he was dead.
Fp: I don't care what Mr.Lodge said everything goes past me first before anything happens.
Cop: Sorry but he said we would get fire us if we didn't take her.
Fp: We need to see her where is she.
Cops: Follow me.

We all follow him to the cells. Where betty is with her sketch pad and writing book.

Cop: You got an hour that's it.

He leaves and Betty still doesn't see us.

Sp: Babe.
B: Hey guys. She says while looking up.
V: B are you okay.
B: Peachie. She was lying and she was trying to hide her face and I'm the only one who saw it so did Jug.
J: Betty can you come to the bars for a minute.
B: Sure?

She gets up and walks to the bars. When she looks at us we see bruises all over her face.

F: Baby B what happened to your face.
B: Oh um I told someone something they didn't want to here.
J: Who did it
B: The cop that arrested me
Fp: Honey you'll be out of here soon I promise I will get you out
B: My court is in 3 days so unless you can get me out of here by then thanks but I don't think you can.

As soon as she finished that sentence one of the cops come down to the cells.

Cop: Elizabeth someone's here to see you
V: Who?
Cop: That's none of your concern.
B: No no no tell them.
Cop: Hiram Lodge is here to see you
Sp: Oh hell no
B: Pea chill, please
Sp: NO this is going to kill me not being able to hug you or hold hands with you I'm going to give Hiram a piece of my mind
B: Or...
F: Or?
B: V. She says like a child
V: B? She says the same way
B: Team B & V for life right
V: Really now
B: Please.
V: Fine
B: Thank you I love you
F: We'll get you out of here soon we promise
Cop: Miss. Jones are you coming or not
B: I can't leave you to have the keys
Cop: And you have a Bobby pin
B: Uh fine

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