Boys Vs Girls (Multiple ships)

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Sweet Pea and Betty are brother and sister
B Pov

Riverdale has a race at the school every year for the Senoirs it's girls vs Boys. So all the girls have been training. Right now the boys are at football so the cheerleading team is taking this time to run. Cheryl said we had too though. We were all on the track and running. It was around the football feild to the boys stopped playing and looked at us. We were all in sports bra's that are blue and tight booty shorts that are black. We keep running and the boys keep watching. I saw Jughead and Sweet Pea wave me over to I run over to them and run in spot when I make it to them,

B: Boys how can I help you
SP; What are you wearing
B: Clothes
SP: Not enough
J: Why are you guys running don't you have practice
B: Cheryl said the girl need to stand out for the run. So this is practice.
SP: Can you at least change
B: No. If you don't mind I'm going to go
SP: Elizabeth

But I started running. I joined the girls and we kept running

R: Go Cooper!
A: Keep that hot ass moving
SP: Shut Up Mantel, Andrews
K: Look at her go through
J: Really
C: Hey boys eyes off my girl
T: And Shut up
B: Thank you

We kept running for 3 laps then the girls were done.

C: Does anyone want to keep going
B: Me
C: Go nuts Cooper show the girls how it's done
B: On it

SO I went back on the track and did 6 more laps.

T: Cooper your over working yourself
B: No I'm not
V: B come have a drink
B: One more lap
C: Fine but that's it

I kept running but I only made it half way around the track and felt like I was going to pass out but I kept running.


Was all I heard before I fell then black.


I just heard Cheryl scream Betty's name as if she was dying. I qucikly turn around to see my sister on the track passed out. I look at Jughead who is looking at her too before we both take off in her direction. Once we make it to her I kneel down and grab her head and put it on my lap.

Sp: What happened
T: I think she was over working herself
Sp: How many laps did she do
C: At least 14 and a half

Then Betty starts to stir. Then she opens her eyes

J: Hey sunshine
B: Hey...
Sp: How you feeling
B: My head hurts
T: Well you fell on it
B: Thanks for the info

She says with an eye roll.

Sp: Okay let's try standing you up

Archie and Reggie come running over at that minute

A: Cooper you good
J: Hey you made perfect timing. Help betty up
R: Okay

They help her up and hold her to stay balanced.

C: You know there's no way your running
B: There is too
T: No there isn't
V: B come on take a breath and think about what your saying

She does as Veronica says

B: Fine I won't run
V: Thank you

Then Reggie picks her up and she lets out a giggle

R: I'm going to go put her on a bench
C: Okay

I nod in approval. Then he walks off with her.

Day of race

B Pov

I was sitting on the bench watching the girls warm up for the race. But the Phys-Ed teacher walks up to me.

CC: Elizabeth. Why aren't you running
B: I over worked myself and now all my friends are scared that I'm fully healed so they don't want me racing
CC: Or is it because they're scared that you'll beat them
B: I think they're just worried about me
CC: Why don't me and you go do a few laps before the race and I'll count it as your race
B: Sure I guess

I stand up and we start running. I can feel all the eyes on us but I ingore them. But then I feel bodies beside me.

T: Girl what are you doing
B: Coach asked me to run with him
A: We told you not to
B: I'm fine.
R: But your not

I just roll my eyes and speed up.

They can't catch up to me. I keep running around the track. Then turned to go to the girls change room. I make it there and punch the mirrior in angrier. I look at the window that is open and think about climbing though it and running but I don't want to scared everyone. But then I left the change rooms and went to join the race without anyone knowing.


It was time for the race but I couldn't find Betty anywhere. Then Toni, Archie,Reggie, and Cheryl come running over to me.

SP: Have you guys seen Betty?
T: She was just running then disappeared after speeding up.
SP: Do you have any idea where she could be 
A: No sorry
SP: Ugh

Then the coach called all the seniors to get ready.

CC: We are hoping that you all are trained enough because the race is going to be a long one. Now let the race begin

Then a loud bang went off and the race begin. Everyone was running but then everyone slowed down from running so fast in the begining even me. But then someone went speeding past me. It was a blonde girl she was really fast. She was in the front the whole time we finished the race and the blonde disappeared. Everyone was out of breath but she kept running.

CC: Good job everyone.The girls won because of Elizabeth Cooper. We are most proud of Elizabeth Cooper who was in the front the whole time.

Everyone gasps when he said that name.

CC: Elizabeth fainted this week and wasn't going to do the race but she pushed herself and was able to be first. She just went to the Nurses office but she will get a price later.

Panic rose in me when he said she went to the nurses office. I look at my gang/ group of friends that were looking at me. I nod at them and we all run to the school. We run in the halls and finally make it to the Nurses office. We hear crying coming from the room. I knock on the door and we hear someone say come in. I open the door and we walk in. We see Betty sitting on the bed type thing.

Doc: How can I help you kids?
J: We were looking for betty
Doc: Can I talk to her for a minute before I let her go
V: Yeah

We leave and wait outside the door.  I was pacing and so was Jughead, Reggie, and Archie. We waited for a minute then the door opened and out walks betty.

SP: What happened. I thought we told you not to race
B: Coach Clayton told me to
C: Betty do you know how dangerous that was
B: I really don't care
T: Betty you could have fainted again.
R: Betts whats wrong
B: Chuck came up to me 2 days ago and said if I didn't win the race he would make me strip infront of the football team.
A: We wouldn't have let that
SP: Why did you come to the Nurses office
B: Had an asmata attack
R: Why didn't you talk to us
B: I don't know

We just hug her we didn't do anything else we just hugged her. We forgot about everything that happened around us we just were in a group hug.

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