Chapter Seventy-Eight

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James didn't know what to make of the scene taking place before him, so utterly terrified out of his mind that he was struggling to breathe

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James didn't know what to make of the scene taking place before him, so utterly terrified out of his mind that he was struggling to breathe. One moment, he was playfully duelling Elspeth in the Charms classroom, next she was attempting to kill him, which could only be stopped by Artemis' intervention. He wanted to call out to Elspeth, already telling her that he was sorry before, but the young woman that appeared before him didn't look like Elspeth anymore. Her usual appearance was only a shell that became shattered as a new being emerged.

And although absolutely terrified out of his mind, James couldn't deny beauty when he was presented with it. Elspeth had always presented herself as a beautiful girl, he would be so bold to place her in the top five of Hogwarts, not that he would ever reveal the list because Lily would always be number one on it. However, the woman that took Elspeth place, her beauty was indescribable, reminding him of the time when he had first met Artemis.

Her white hair spilt over her shoulders, but it did not age her, looking like captured strands of moonlight. She was suddenly taller too, standing at height with the Ceryneian Hind, which had always stood at a greater height. And he could remember the shiver that passed through his body upon seeing the grey eyes that had stared at him back in the classroom. It had left him paralysed with fear, incredibly confused as to what was going on.

He had no choice but to remain back as the Ceryneian Hind continued to try and push Elspeth back, using her massive antlers to try and pin her down. But Elspeth was putting up quite the fight, able to shove the Hind back several times with great force. James could feel his heart racing in his chest, he feared that it was going to end up exploding at one point. The darkness around them didn't help as it seemed to encase them.

What had happened to the classroom? Where was Sirius, Lily, and the others? Surely, they had all been witnesses to what had taken place. He couldn't hear any of them, and as much as he wanted to open his mouth and call out for help, James didn't dare to do so. Because if the Ceryneian Hind couldn't hold Elspeth back, he didn't stand a chance.

Then to make matters worse, James started to feel such an overwhelming cold wash over him. Not to mention, it was almost like all the happiness in his body was being drained. He couldn't see anything besides the Ceryneian Hind and Elspeth, but he could feel something and he could hear what sounded like laboured breaths echoing in the darkness. He was feeling weak, enough that he couldn't even support his upper body to sit up fully. Falling over onto his side, his collapse distracted the Ceryneian Hind for just a moment as she glanced over in his direction.

Her caring nature left her vulnerable as Elspeth got a hit in that cast the Hind back, knocking her off all fours completely. She landed next to James, letting out a painful groan, followed by a whimper as she struggled to get up once more. James reached out a hand, trying to tell her that she didn't have to fight anymore, but the weakness had left him unable to even lift a finger.

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