Chapter Seventy-Six

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On the 3rd of November, Sirius awoke in the Gryffindor Tower, to find his dorm completely silent. He glanced around the room to find the surrounding beds empty, leaving him slightly puzzled. All the years before, he was happily greeted with birthday greetings from James, Remus, and Peter, he figured that birthday would be of no exception. And yet, waking up alone brought a frown to his face. He knew that everyone was busy, but surely, they hadn't forgotten, had they?

"Of course," he said to himself after a moment, " they're probably downstairs getting ready to surprise me."

It wouldn't be unlike the boys to hold a few tricks and surprises up their sleeves. Besides, it was his seventeenth birthday. Among the oldest of the group, he was finally considered of age in the wizarding world.

It was supposed to be monumental.

But as he kicked off his covers and hurried down the stairs, he found the Gryffindor Common Room completely silent. For a moment, he lingered, waiting for the moment where they would all jump out and yell surprise, but the longer he stood there, the more foolish he felt when nothing happened. He pressed his lips together for a moment, trying his best not to feel deflated.

Carrying himself back up the stairs, he decided to get ready, all the while, wondering what was so important that his friends and Elspeth had forgotten his birthday? He knew Elspeth had been dedicating herself more and more to her classes, especially wanting to score highly on their N.E.W.T.s, and James had been practising more than ever for the upcoming Quidditch season. There had been a full moon as of recent, which had definitely taken its toll on Remus, but he wasn't sure what he could come up with for Peter.

After getting brushing his teeth and getting dressed, Sirius left to the Great Hall. He passed several students on the stairs and through the corridors, checking each one carefully to make sure they weren't passing friends. But just as he went to enter the Great Hall, he stopped when he spotted a familiar face.


The primordial goddess stood before Sirius, no smile to be found on her face, leaving Sirius to feel smaller than usual in her presence. She could easily tower over him in her form, which she often did when she did come to see him. Her dark eyes carried the same blackness of the night, leaving him to swallow as he wondered if he had done something wrong.

"Sirius Black, from this day forward," she began, " you are relieved from my guardianship."

Sirius stared at her, his lips parting in the slightest. He couldn't help but shake his head in response.

"Relieved from your guardianship? But...but why? I didn't do anything!" he exclaimed. "I followed all of your instructions! I did what I supposed to do, I did what you told me. Is it because of James and Lily? Look, I've been trying, really, I have but-"

One of her hands came to touch the side of his face, bringing his stammering rambling to an end. "Sirius, do not blame yourself. You are not at fault but I must cut ties with your family as it stands. I will not allow myself to make the same mistake as other gods and goddesses have made before me."

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