Chapter Fifty-Two

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[Chapter Fifty-Two]

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[Chapter Fifty-Two]

The next morning, Sirius stumbled out of his bed, not feeling as though he had gotten the best night of sleep. He was beyond tired in more ways than one, especially when it came to the events of last night, ruining everything he was putting in motion. He was at his wit's end on how to get Elspeth to forgive him and while part of him just wanted to give up, another part of him felt the opposite and had a much stronger pull over him. Over the summer, despite being out of the Grimmauld Place and being able to enjoy the company of the Potter household, he really couldn't find himself all that happy.

In fact, he found himself to be in physical pain and he didn't know what to do about it. He had done nothing to injure himself, at least, that he was aware of and it was beginning to frighten him as time went on and it didn't get any better. Eventually, he felt like he had no other choice but to confess to Euphemia one afternoon while James and Fleamont were outside. He told her where the pain was in his chest and how he didn't know what was causing it. Of course, that caused for alarm for Euphemia, especially since they looked at Sirius as if he were their own son.

Quickly, she made an appointment to bring him into St Mungo's and have him looked over. Yet, no matter how many Healers looked at him, they found nothing wrong and were beginning to question a lot about Sirius, wondering if he was faking it for attention. Euphemia quickly dismissed it, knowing that her sons could be very dramatic when they wanted to be, but they would never go to such extents for a laugh.

Something was wrong and Euphemia had to wonder if Sirius was bringing the pain onto himself without realising. Was something on his mind weighing him down in such a heavy manner that he consciously felt it in other parts of his body? It definitely seemed to be the case when she sat him down in the kitchen, telling James and Fleamont to give them a moment of privacy. As Sirius explained what was on his mind, she could hear the pain dripping from his voice and it centred around his relationship with Elspeth.

Euphemia had yet to properly meet the girl that was the cause of the distress in her sons' lives, but she had to wonder a lot about her. Obviously, it pained James to lose a friendship that he could only describe as sibling-like. And while young love sometimes was made out to be stronger and far more intense than it actually was, Euphemia was sensing quite a strong connection between all of them.

When she tried to pry for information as to why the friendship and relationship had come to an end, Sirius and James didn't want to talk about it, shame taking over their expressions as they hung their heads low. They didn't want to talk about it with her, they didn't want to talk about it with anyone, they just wanted her to forgive them, come back, and carry on like it never happened. However, Euphemia informed both of them separately that it wasn't always going to be the case and depending on what they did, they weren't guaranteed forgiveness, even with apologies and time passing.

That's what Sirius feared the most as he anticipated sitting with Elspeth at breakfast that morning as he pushed himself out of bed to get dressed. He wasn't going to get an ounce of her forgiveness and it was going to be the morning where it was officially over.

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