Chapter Fifty-Five

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[Chapter Fifty-Five]

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[Chapter Fifty-Five]

Curled up in Sirius' arms as the two came to rest on his bed for a long, overdue nap together, Elspeth drifted off with the intentions of travelling to the Underworld to visit with Hades. She wasn't sure how the reconciliation between them was going to go, hoping that it would go as smoothly as it did with the others, but she had to try. There was hope simply because he had allowed her to keep her abilities, she assumed if he was upset with her for ignoring him that he could have easily removed her abilities and sent her on her way with a "tough shit" sign stamped to her forehead.

But then again, she hadn't done anything to warrant her losing the abilities either, after all, she hadn't informed anyone of the Hayes' family secret, so maybe he was just honouring that aspect of it all. With a groan as she arrived in the Underworld, Elspeth found herself feeling nervous once more. Although it wasn't the same nerves she had when it came to talking with Lily again or the level of talking to the boys again, it was incredibly different. She felt like she was approaching a third parent of hers, asking for forgiveness after screwing up royally.

Of course, she hadn't done anything terribly wrong in some aspects, she had merely just ignored the idea of Hades once she received information that she didn't like. Information that she clearly remembered asking for on her own. So yes, it was her fault and she was approaching her second father with the hopes that he wasn't going to smite her down or suffocate her in the shadows out of anger. 

Her arrival had caused quite the silent stir behind the scenes as the Furies were aware of her arrival, along with Thanatos but they didn't approach Elspeth as they simply watched where she was travelling towards. She was headed in the right direction if she wished to see Hades as he was seated on his throne, but in the recent days, he wasn't always in the best of moods. Normally, the days where Persephone was gone with her mother caused him to be ill and short-tempered, but with the added departure of Elspeth not returning to the Underworld, Thanatos and the Furies had witnessed something terrifying that Hades was capable of.

The anger that stemmed from hurt, there was nothing like it and it was obvious that Hades was so fed up with being abandoned and left alone. However, they were all hopeful that Elspeth was there to reconcile and hopefully, not there to stir up any further drama. They didn't think that the Underworld could handle any more anger unleashed by the God.

Elspeth felt cold as she walked along, shivering to herself as she hugged herself to keep warm. She was heading towards the throne first, hoping that Hades would be there and to her good fortune, he was. But that also meant she couldn't simply back out of it all and pretend that she was never there. He had clearly spotted her once he looked up from her movement before him.

Between his fingers, Elspeth could see that he was holding a flower, one with soft white petals that curled downward and gently bounced whenever he twirled it about. But as he spotted Elspeth, the twirling came to a sudden stop as she did as she came to a halt several lengths away.

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