Chapter Forty-Seven

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[Chapter Forty-Seven]

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[Chapter Forty-Seven]

Sirius saw the way that Elspeth was doing her best to ignore him and avoid eye contact with any of them after the incident that involved Severus and Lily. For a moment, there had been a sign of hope, that maybe she wasn't angry anymore and the length of the summer had given her some time to cool off. He very well understood why she was angry with him, why she was angry with all of them, but to see her standing up for Lily's sake, he hoped that it would eventually lead to her speaking to them again. However, he was sorely mistaken as she went on her way, acting as if he didn't exist.

James had a thought process where he believed that she would eventually come around and perhaps sending multiple apologies over the summer would wear her down to where she would speak to them again. But obviously, James underestimated Elspeth's ability to hold a grudge and while Sirius didn't want to admit such things, he knew that they didn't really deserve her forgiveness. She had been right at the time, during the matter with Severus, Sirius wasn't even thinking about how she would react, none of them thought about it and how she was against the bullying.

It didn't even matter the circumstances around it, she didn't care if Severus had been following them in hopes of getting the four in trouble, it was how they had handled the matter that made her so upset. All year, she had been trying to help James made a good impression in the eyes of Lily, even if she didn't think Lily was the best for him at the time. She had sacrificed her own time to help him and yet, James had completely discarded everything she had said and done, just to get a nice hit in on Severus.

Not to mention, Sirius knew their situation didn't look good at all, because he had told Elspeth that he loved her right before the exams, only to go against what she had been telling them all along. But it did hurt when she told him that she knew that he didn't love her because that wasn't true at all. Sure, they were young, and the boys had given him a hard time about it when he brought it up, but Sirius didn't know what else to call what he was feeling at the time.

He had grown up hearing the saying that it was opposites attract but that's not what had drawn him into Elspeth in the first place. It was the similarities that they shared that left him attracted to her in the first place, he liked the way she carried herself, he enjoyed her confidence more than anything because he liked the fact that she wasn't shy to really be herself. They could enjoy their afternoons of being cheeky with one another in one of the broom cupboards or laugh at the way they teased each other.

She got along with the boys, she was caring about Remus' condition, even if she did exhibit some fear when it came to his lycanthropy transformations. She was kind to Peter, something that was rare within the castle, but something that the boy greatly appreciated. And she had no problem calling James out and putting him in his place when he was acting foolish around her. But at the same time, she didn't intrude on the boys either, she was a friend to them all, but she had her own life to live.

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