Chapter Twenty

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The time had come for those students who were leaving to head home for the holidays to travel to the Hogsmeade Station to catch the Hogwarts Express back to King's Cross Station. The entire time as Elspeth had been packing her trunk, she was sure that her heart was going to give out from working so hard. As the time had drawn closer and closer to her going home, she found herself nervous and even snogging sessions in a broom closet with Sirius couldn't calm her down. The boy didn't understand what the problem was and when she claimed it had to do with her family, he realised that she couldn't explain any further than that. He wanted to help her and he reassured her that if she needed a listening ear that he was more than willing.

How many times did he remind her that dogs had an excellent sense of hearing?

Too many times but it made her laugh and Elspeth definitely felt like she needed a good laugh with whatever was to come. She didn't think that the family secret was going to be terrible because she didn't think her parents would be so eager to share it with her if it was. However, with the amount of responsibility looming over all of it, the girl had bit down her nails to the point where she was only biting the skin. Penelope knew a bit more compared to the others but even she didn't know what was going to occur and unfortunately, Elspeth wouldn't be able to share it with her either. 

It was a lifelong secret for her to keep to herself and within her family unless she married and had a child on her own. But other than that, she couldn't confide in friends like normal people could. However, she didn't have to dwell on it so much until the time came as Sirius had taken it upon himself to distract by any means possible. As the students waited for the Hogwarts Express to arrive at the Hogsmeade Station, they were allowed to roam the village for a bit, most of them doing some last minute shopping.

But Elspeth found herself in the company of the boys as they took to a bench at the station. Penelope's parents had picked the girl up in the village, visiting with some friends that resided there before they were to head home. It left her with zero excuses to escape in that moment. She enjoyed the company of Sirius, Peter, and Remus, but James had been driving her up a wall with his constant questions of whether or not he should send something for Lily for Christmas.

"Dammit, James, either do it or shut up," Elspeth shook her head, " stop talking about it already!"

"But you promised to help me," James whined. "I'm confiding in you!"

"No, you're pissing me off, I already told you if you wanted to send her something, make sure it's simple and sweet. You don't want to come across anymore creepy than you already have."

"How have I come across as creepy?!" James stood up from the bench, causing the other boys to groan. His hands rested on his hips as he faced the girl, his eyes narrowed behind his glasses. Elspeth seemed unphased by his attitude, in fact, she looked bored and slightly annoyed that she had to put up with it. 

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