Chapter Seventy-Nine

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If James thought he was confused by the series of events that had occurred so suddenly, Elspeth couldn't get her head to stop spinning once she became aware of her surroundings. All she could remember was James hitting her with the tickling jinx and being damn near rendered to tears because she couldn't even lift her hand to release the jinx. Next thing she knew, her body was sore as she woke up on the ground and found James looking over at her. He looked absolutely petrified as she told him to never tickle her again, only to realise that they were surrounded by several godly faces.

Persephone and Hades wore solemn expressions and there was the presence of another goddess that Elspeth hadn't met before. But just as she went to question what was going on, she realised that James was in the Underworld. Immediately, she felt the onset of panic, knowing something had to have gone wrong. She went to turn back to her best friend, ready to apologise for the traumatic experience, believing she had been the one to drag him there unknowingly.

However, as she turned her head, Elspeth caught sight of white hair causing her to freeze for a moment. Eventually, she reached up one of her hands and grabbed at the hair, giving it a light tug to come to the conclusion that it was her own hair. For a second, Elspeth held her breath before she peered over at James once more.

"James, what's going on?" she asked him in a quiet whisper. James opened his mouth but even then, it was obvious even he was at a lost for words.

When she looked to Hades, Elspeth could see that he was attempting to avoid her gaze. Quickly, she pushed herself up and approached him, forcing him to make eye contact with her.

"Hades, what's going on?" she repeated her question, grabbing a handful of her long white hair. "What's happened to me? Why do I look like this?"

Persephone looked ready to intervene but Hades placed one hand up, stopping her in place.

"Elspeth, listen to me," he started off in a calm voice, " there is much we need to talk to you about. However, now is not the time. What happened here, is the fault of myself and Persephone, for not taking better precautions. When you return home for the holidays, we will sit down along with Sorcha and Caelan and you will learn the truth. Until then, you and James will follow me to River Lethe and drink from it."

"River Lethe?!" Elspeth explained. "But drinking from the river causes forgetfulness? Why do you want me to forget what's going on?"

"It is at your own request," Hades explained, "you told me that you wanted to hear the truth come from Persephone and me, not when we were caught with our pants down."

"When did I say that? I don't many times have you made me drink from the river?"

Hades did not give her an answer, only turning away from Elspeth before motioning her and James to follow. Elspeth looked to Persephone, hoping she would have to something to say, but she only looked down at her feet shamefully. The answer was quite obvious that she had been taken to the river on numerous occasions all with intention of making her forget crucial information.

Her mind went back to James as she quickly turned around. James was upon his feet, the unnamed goddess was by his side, whispering something to him. His nerves seemed to vanish and eventually, he gave a small nod of his head before he approached where Elspeth was standing.

"It's going to be alright, El. Let's just get this over with."

"But James," Elspeth shook her head, " don't you understand what's going on here? You're in the Underworld, you're surrounded by gods, don't you have any questions?!"

"Artemis told me I don't have to worry about anything," he said, " and I've always trusted her word. I'll admit, everything makes sense now. You not showing up on the map, I should have known that it was some force beyond what I could understand. I have a goddess presiding over me and I never once stopped to think there would be one to look over you. But you don't even need one looking after you, you are one."

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