Chapter Fifty-Three

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[Chapter Fifty-Three]

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[Chapter Fifty-Three]

Elspeth sat at the Gryffindor Table after Professor McGonagall had walked around handing out the timetables to all of the students. However, while she was going over her term's schedule, she was also patiently waiting for Sirius to fulfil her last condition. Of course, it didn't just include him but all four boys as they were standing on the opposite of the table.  After she had given her condition, Sirius looked uneasy about going through with it, but he agreed, however, she wasn't sure if the other three were going to actually go through with her request. An amused smile appeared as James was facing Sirius and Peter and Remus were facing each other.

"So are you four going to actually do it or should I just leave and make other plans with my time?" she asked, bringing James to give her a look as he stood in a very compromising position.

"Why do we have to do this again for forgiveness?" he asked. "Wasn't getting slapped in the face enough? I mean, it's not like you hit us lightly, I felt that slap for weeks after it happened. But this...this is just...humiliating, El."

"It's not humiliating, James, leave the dramatics to Sirius, he's better at it. This is not to humiliate any of you. You all need to learn how to keep each other in check," Elspeth said, " so when one of you acts out, one of you should be able to intervene and stop them instead of just letting them get away with it. You all have this unspoken barrier where none of you speak out when the other is about to do something really stupid, it's like you just glide along even if one of you thinks it's a bad idea. So, yes, this is necessary. Once you break that barrier, I think you'll find yourselves getting in less trouble."

All four of them groaned as she came to set her timetable down and then fold her hands in front of her on top of the table with a knowing grin. But it seemed they were willing to move forward, no matter what it took. With that, each of them grabbed a nipple of the person standing opposite of them, making it look like a wild ritual of some sort. They all wore grimaces on their face, knowing what was to come in just a series of a few seconds.

"Do you want me to give you the countdown?" she asked, watching as they all nodded and closed their eyes. "!"

Within just a second, they all squeezed their fingers down and there were four painful howls that echoed in the Great Hall causing all of the students and faculty members present to look over at them. It seemed the anger of having their nipple pinched was causing them to hold the other one down harder and neither one of them was letting go. Elspeth simply watched, not really anticipating the punishment to go on as long as it did, but they were all at a stalemate of nipple pinging. 

"Alright, um boys, you could let go now!" she called to them, standing up from the bench. "For the love of Merlin, that's enough! I think you got it! All is forgiven, you're good! We're good!"

No matter what she said, trying to get them to stop, it seemed they were attempting the challenge of who was going to let go first as they were practically howling all the way to the floors, dragging each other down. They all collapsed to the floor when Elspeth finally decided to crawl over the top of the table to bring it all to an end, believing it had all gone too far.

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