Chapter Thirty-Four

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Elspeth couldn't tell if Hades was acting strange around her due to the fact that Persephone was still away with her mother or if there was another reason why he kept looking at her for a few minutes before shaking his head. It also didn't help how he continued to ask questions about Sirius and how the boy was doing. Not only that, but he asked questions that Elspeth would more than likely expect coming from her father or maybe her mother. They were protective parent questions, such as was Sirius offering her the respect she deserved? Was he treating her kindly and going out of his way to do nice things for her? She could blame it all on the fact that maybe Hades was feeling lonely, but it was starting to make her uncomfortable.

She tried to imagine what would happen if she said no, but she was also fearful of doing so as she didn't want Hades to do anything to Sirius, simply because she was curious about a reaction. He was definitely trying not to make it obvious that he was asking her a load of questions pertaining to her relationship as he slipped in questions here and there, but he must have mistaken her for a Potter because she was far from oblivious. While they worked on the dementor training, he would ask a question before giving a direction, which Elspeth only found to be distracting.

"Alright, that's it!" Elspeth called out at one point as she released her grip on the back of one of the dementor's cloaks that struggled in her hand. She turned her gaze to Hades, who seemed surprised by her little outburst but he didn't say anything as she approached him. In the beginning, Elspeth would have never dared to approach the God in such a manner, but after spending a good amount of time in his company, it was safe to say she had grown to be comfortable around him, at least, enough to call him out. 

Walking over, the girl had her hands placed on her hips as she peered up at Hades, not a hint of fear on her face, despite the fact that she was incredibly tiny in comparison to him. "Alright, alright, what is going on? Why do you keep asking questions about my relationship with Sirius? I highly doubt that you're looking for pointers for your marriage with Persephone."

She was slightly expecting him to become offended by the way she approached him, expecting Hades to lash out at her for her behaviour, but Elspeth was pleasantly surprised. The God started to chuckle to himself and gave a small shake of his head. 

"You are my pupil, they are mere questions to make sure that everything runs smoothly with your training. I cannot afford you being distracted, especially when there is still so much to show you. It is best that I have your undivided attention and there is nothing to distract you, even in your personal life. Which is why I ask questions that would be considered personal, training can be affected by the smallest of things. I did not have to deal with such things when it came to your father because he could hardly manage a date when he was young."

"Hey, don't talk about my dad like that!" Elspeth retorted hotly. "Maybe his knock-knock jokes weren't effective with Mum in the beginning but he won her over. Would you like to focus on your flirting tactics with Persephone?"

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