Chapter Three

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Elspeth joined her house table of Gryffindors, sitting near the end as they waited patiently and some impatiently, for the Sorting Ceremony to begin. Back in her first year, it had been quite the debate of what house she was going to be sorted into. Taking a full three minutes for the Sorting Hat to decide and Elspeth had been absolutely no help. In the beginning, the Sorting Hat had suggested Hufflepuff, but there was a long pause and then no announcement, leaving Elspeth curious as to what had caused the delay. Many didn't understand, even in their older years, that the Sorting Hat simply did not make the decision based on the traits that a person already possessed but based on what they valued the most. 

While the girl was loyal to the people she cared about, while she was creative in the sense of coming up with many ways of getting around trouble, and while she was ambitious and cunning to get what she wanted, there was something that Elspeth held far closer to her heart. Her admiration for her parents and their line of work was always at the back of her mind. The way they selflessly risked their lives daily in order to protect others, it was one of the many things that brought pride knowing that she came from such strong individuals. It wasn't just her parents either, but a long line of generations passing down through the Hayes line.

Those that married into the Hayes name took on the same duties, learning of the secrets and promising to keep them as such. It was pure devotion for wanting things to be right in the world and having the daring nerve to actually act upon it. She wouldn't mind walking in the same footsteps of her family, there was no shame for her to want to separate herself from. Elspeth didn't have to do things the same way, she could still follow in their steps, but she could add her own style to it. 

The Sorting Hat seemed to pick up on that even though Elspeth made no mention of it at all. Finally, it came to the conclusion that Elspeth would follow the other members of the Hayes family and be sorted into Gryffindor as well. Of course, others didn't understand the big deal behind her sorting, most children were sorted into the same houses that their families had been in. But Elspeth had the opportunity to walk a different path, she didn't have to follow the ways of the Hayes. However, she wanted to, above everything else, even at only eleven years old, she wanted nothing more to make her family proud and have a good impact on the world. 

Settling down at the table, the girl busied herself with a strand of her hair, looking it over as if it were completely fascinating. Down the way sat James Potter with his friends, who was glaring in her direction, but she didn't seem to notice or if she did, Elspeth didn't care. She still didn't regret kicking him in the face and it wasn't like his nose was still bloody and his glasses appeared to have been fixed. She also had the excuse that he started it. The boys liked pulling pranks on plenty of students and they had been known to bully a couple of others, in particular, Elspeth was not about to become a victim of either. 

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