Chapter Seventeen

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"When I'm old and manky, I'll never use a hanky," Elspeth said as she stepped through the portrait hole into the Gryffindor dorm. She had a little down time in between classes and decided to switch out her books and relax on her bed until the time of her next class. On her way up to the dorms, she decided to sing, not taking note of Lily Evans lying on one of the sofas with a distressed look. 

"I'll wee on plants and soil my pants and sometimes, but just sometimes, get quite cranky," she hummed after her lyrics before she broke into laughter, only to catch a glimpse of movement out of the corner of her eye as she crossed in front of the fireplace. She nearly hopped into the fire, startled by seeing Lily finally. Clapping her hand to her chest, she sighed in relief, thankful that she wasn't going to have to kick someone in the fact for sneaking up on her or trying to attack. 

"Merlin, you scared me, woman," Elspeth said, only to hear Lily mutter out a faint 'sorry' in response. "What's wrong with you? Why do you look like that? All pouty and such? James say or do something stupid...again?"

Lily let out a small laugh. "I actually wish I could blame this on Potter, but the truth is, he hasn't done anything wrong today," Lily told her.

"Well, there's still about nine hours left in the day, give it time," the girl went to turn and head up the stairs but at that moment, Lily sat up, taking advantage of having someone to confide in right then and there.

"It was Severus," Lily said bring Elspeth to a halt once more. The girl swore under her breath, not because she didn't want to spend time with Lily or because she didn't like the girl, but because she wasn't sure on what advice she could give or well she would be able to comfort her. Elspeth had tried numerous times with Penelope to be that crying shoulder but it never worked out so well, so Penelope stopped counting on her in those respects. If she ever needed someone punched in the face, Elspeth was the one to call, if she needed someone to tell it to her straight, Elspeth would be her girl, when it came to comforting Penelope had a better chance of turning to a statue. 

"Uh, do you want me to get Marlene-" Elspeth went to ask but that was clearly not what Lily wanted in that moment as she began to confess what had happened. 

"I was going to meet up with Severus in the library, it's normally what we do in between classes, that or go to the courtyard but it's way too cold to head outside today. Anyways, we agreed on the library, mainly because I know James and the boys won't be there."

Elspeth figured she was trying to go for a jab that the boys didn't study, but it wasn't a very good one, considering the boys didn't need to. They were naturally smart and gift when it came to their classes and outside. She couldn't give the information away but how many of the fifth years in Hogwarts could claim they became animagi on their own without any sort of outside help? That didn't occur by luck, so if Lily was trying to insinuate that they were stupid, it was kind of pointless. But Elspeth didn't interject, instead, she settled herself down in an armchair and allowed Lily to continue.

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