Chapter Sixty-Nine

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It was difficult for Hades and Persephone to pick up on whether Elspeth was pleased or angered by the news of her goddess status, as she had whispered it under her breath

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It was difficult for Hades and Persephone to pick up on whether Elspeth was pleased or angered by the news of her goddess status, as she had whispered it under her breath. It left them with no tone for them to judge and quite frankly, she hadn't reacted much since then. The couple exchanged looks with one another, either one of them urging the other to speak so that they didn't have to. However, eventually, the attention was brought upon both of them as Elspeth finally picked her head up and looked in their direction. She didn't wear a smile, but she wasn't frowning either and they were taking it as a good sign.

"You all really enjoy your dramatics, don't you?" she said quietly. "Why didn't either one of you tell me sooner? Why didn't my parents at least tell me something?"

"Elspeth, if it was up to us, you would have never figured it out," Persephone admitted, " it was an accident that you managed to discover your origins. It was all worked out that you would remain with Sorcha and Caelan as their own. As if they had given birth to you and raised you from the very beginning."

"But I have the right to know that I'm adopted," Elspeth began, " I had the right to know that. I sure as hell have the right to know if I'm an actual goddess. You can't just keep that from me."

"We managed to do so for quite some time," Hades interjected to take the heat off of Persephone, "it was for your benefit. Holding a godly status is not as simple as it may appear, nor is it always desirable. We only wished for your happiness and we knew above all people that Sorcha and Caelan would be able to provide that for you."

"But I'm you..." she argued, " I'm part of you two. How could you just simply give me up like that? If you didn't want children in the Underworld, why bother to have them at all? Why didn't you try other ways for my parents...for them to have a child? Didn't you two care about me enough that it was difficult to give me away or was it like giving away a bar of soap?"

Her breathing was picking up to a rapid pace and suddenly, it was quite clear that it wasn't her title of a goddess that upset her, but the idea of Persephone and Hades being so willing to give her up to another couple.

"Elspeth, listen to yourself, do you not love Sorcha and Caelan? They have raised you as their own, they love you and I know you love them. That's why we entrusted them with someone as precious as you," Persephone told her. "We wouldn't have cast our own into the arms of anyone, we knew what kind of people your parents are and we wanted what was best for you. And in a way, we have always looked over you and without warning, we treated you as if you were our own-"

"That's because I am yours," Elspeth said loudly, " you treated me like yours because that's what I am. I don't know why I didn't see it before, all the special treatment that you two seemed to give me outside of my other family members. Is it true then, all that stuff that you told me? If I break the oath of secrecy, are you really going to abandon my family? Are you going to pretend as if I don't exist anymore?"

When they didn't respond fast enough for her liking, Elspeth pushed herself up, no longer wishing to sit down even if Hades advised her to do so. She wasn't sure what she was feeling, a mixture of sadness and betrayal, but she wasn't sure why. Her parents, Sorcha and Caelan, had raised her in a loving household and she loved them more than anything in the world. But to learn that they weren't her biological parents, she just couldn't brush that off so easily.

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