Chapter Twenty-Six

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Being back at school, without Penelope at her side wasn't as bad as Elspeth made it out to be in her head. Sure, it definitely hurt to see her ex-friend walking through the corridors and blatantly ignoring her existence but it didn't hurt as much as Elspeth thought it would. Perhaps it was because Sirius' words had offered her some comfort. Or maybe it was because James was doing everything in his power to keep her distracted once he learned about what had really happened between the two friends. 

The boy didn't admit it out loud to the girl, but he felt incredibly guilty. After all, he had been the one to pressure Elspeth into helping him with his Lily Dilemma and it ended up costing the girl her friendship with a friend that been around her long before they started to hang out. But James didn't realise that if Penelope was willing to give up a friendship so easily due to rumours then the friendship wasn't as stable as he thought it to be. If anyone was supposed to know Elspeth better, it was Penelope because they had been friends the longest, but apparently, she didn't know her best friend at all. 

But to make it up to Elspeth, James was on his best behaviour around her, especially when it came to dealing with Lily and Severus. Although Elspeth had made sure to mention that maybe James wasn't the sole problem because it wasn't like Lily was being the nicest either. Sure, wounds had to heal from James' previous behaviour but even when James went out of his way to be nice to the girl, she was extremely rude to the boy in return. Often times, it led him to fall discouraged, wondering if he had truly screwed things up permanently. 

"I open the door for her, I offered to carry her books, I would throw my robes over a puddle for her, but she won't stop looking at me as if I shoved my tongue down her father's throat," James whined from his bed before flopping onto his pillow. The boys were in their dorm room and among them, Elspeth sat on Sirius' bed, in between the boy's legs to take place in the conference. 

"Okay, never make that comparison ever again," Elspeth shuddered. 

"Agreed!" Peter called out from his bed as he shook his head. "That was just wrong, mate."

James pushed himself up from his pillow to face them all. "Alright, fine, perhaps that wasn't the best comparison-"

"Best comparison?" Remus repeated. "Did you mean best as in the best at scarring someone because, Merlin, James, that's nasty."

"Alright! Alright!" James raised his voice. "Bad comparison, we're moving on from it. But the whole point of me saying that is, no matter what I do, I am the absolute devil in her eyes."

Elspeth leaned back, resting her back against Sirius' chest as she folded her arms. "Which makes absolutely no bloody sense if you ask me because she's still best friends with Noseferatu. I just don't understand how she can see you in a bad light but she can't hold Severus accountable for the things he's done. She's a hypocrite if you ask me, James, and if I had any say in the matter, I would just tell you to move on. You could do better."

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