Chapter Eighteen

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When Sirius awoke from his afternoon nap, he was pleasantly surprised to find Elspeth napping next to him in his bed. He had no recollection of wrapping his arm around her as he lifted his head up in confusion, but at the same time, the boy wasn't complaining either. A grin made its way onto his face before he glanced over to see Remus, Peter, and James in the room as well. They were actually remaining quiet enough to let Elspeth sleep in peace. They sure as hell weren't doing it for him because whenever he tried to nap he was rudely awakened almost every single time. It was an extra added bonus to have Elspeth around than before, now they could cuddle up and nap in peace. He was definitely looking forward to many more cuddly naps in the future.

"She had a fight with Lily, in case you were wondering," Remus told Sirius as the boy sat up on his bed, careful to not disturb the sleeping girl. "That's why she came up here, from what I heard it wasn't pretty."

"Wasn't pretty?!" James said from his bed with a bright smile. "From what you said, Remus, she called Snivellus out on all of his nonsense! Finally, someone who has said what I've been saying all along. And Evans can't even say that Elspeth was being biased because she's not the biggest fan of me because she kicked me in the face. Maybe now Evans will realise what she's been missing out on!"

"She's not missing out on anything, you idiot," Elspeth's voice ran out causing Sirius to jump as the voice sounded behind him. "If you had been there, she sees you as a bigger bully than Severus. Which means that she's not missing out on anything."

Elspeth was clearly awake in that moment as she sat up on Sirius' bed and scooted closer to the edge to face James, who had fallen silent. She looked across the way at him and shook her head. 

"Look, Potter, if you're trying to get her to pay attention, you're going to have to do way better to even get on her radar of being impressed. Right now, she's taking her friend's side, who might I mention is heavily involved in the Dark Arts and calling people mudbloods behind her back. If she's standing by that rather than looking at you, there's a big problem. I'm not saying that she doesn't have to own up some responsibility to the situation but, come on, man." 

"So what am I supposed to do? Just let Snivellus get away with everything?" James replied hotly. "Just let him dig himself into a bigger hole while we all stand by."

"That's not what I'm saying at all, but you know that could work," Elspeth shrugged her shoulders, only to hear all four boys snort at once. She rolled her eyes before folding her arms and standing up from the bed.

"Alright, you laugh, but let's see, you've been chasing after Lily since...well, let's be honest, actively since second year. She can't stand you to this day, so obviously what you've been doing hasn't worked at all. In fact, she's to the point where she withstands another bully over you. Oh but no, that's laughable, isn't it? Just like your relationship status. Ha ha."

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