Chapter Thirty

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Elspeth didn't know what to do with the dementor's cloak that she held in her hands and as she heard footsteps approaching the room, the girl panicked, trying to figure out what to do with. Quickly, she raced over to her bedside and shoved it into her trunk, slamming it closed and sitting on it, just in time for Lily to walk into the room. Obvious Elspeth was obvious as Lily, along with Marlene at her side, came in and the girl flashed them both a nervous grin. Of course, Elspeth would realise only seconds later that she could have just passed the robes along as old shabby robes that made their way into her trunk from home, but it was too late. She was attempting to regulate her breathing, but she sounded like a troll jogging up a mountainside. The smile on her face was cracking as her lips twitched and the nervous laughter that came out of her sounded like an owl getting stabbed in a dark alley.  

While Marlene had taken Lily's side in the matter, she did have some concern for the older girl in the moment. "Are you alright?" She asked Elspeth as she walked further into the room.

"Who me? Oh yeah, I'm fine, in fact, I am fantastic! Splendid beyond belief!" Elspeth pushed herself up from her trunk and quickly smoothed out her outfit before making her way to leave in a rush. "If you ladies will excuse me, I have a date and I mustn't be late."

Not only did she barrel through Lily and Marlene, she ran out of the dorms after that, making her way to the stairs and vanishing completely. She burst into the common room only to feel arms wrap around her. Thinking that it was the dementor coming for its cloak, Elspeth let out a paranoid screech, only to have the arms release her instantly.


She turned around after falling to the floor to see Sirius looking down at her with the same expression that Marlene and Lily had back in the dorm. With a quick look around the common room, Elspeth could clearly see that there wasn't a dementor around, leaving her to feel quite foolish. Her face turned bright red in colour before she found Sirius walking over and offering his hands to help her up. As soon as the warmth of her hands grabbed hers, Elspeth could hear Sirius let out a gasp.

"El, your hands are freezing!" Sirius said, even though he didn't dare let go of them. "Are you alright? Are you feeling sick?"

She knew damn well in that moment, that she probably looked beyond mental and the coldness had come from her brief moment in the Underworld certainly wasn't helping her case. Clearing her throat, Elspeth shook her head before taking a deep breath and proceeding.

"Sorry," she began, "I guess I was just nervous about this date, that's all."

It wasn't much of a lie, truth be told, she was nervous about the date, even more so currently because she didn't want it to be the last one because of her bizarre behaviour. Sirius looked even more confused if that were possible.

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