Chapter Sixty

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[Chapter Sixty]

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[Chapter Sixty]

Elspeth wasn't sure who she had to fight to hold back more when it came to the retaliation for what Severus had done within the Potion's classroom. Remus and Peter seemed to understand that she wasn't looking for a fight or any drama, seeing as Slughorn had given Severus a week's worth of detention. Not to mention, Madam Pomfrey had been true to her work of being an amazing Healer, so Elspeth's hands were healed back to their normal state, although she still wasn't looking at a career of being a hand model.

However, between James and Sirius, they were both looking to go after Severus and if it wasn't bad enough holding them back, she had to reassure Hades multiple times not to go after the boy. And while the pain had been terrible and it wasn't exactly the highlight of her life, Elspeth was somewhat thankful that it happened. At the moment where someone had to act quickly, James had risen to the occasion to help her out. He didn't care to go after Severus right away, even if he did have a perfectly good excuse to do so, instead, his main concern was getting Elspeth to the Hospital Wing.

Despite the pain, Elspeth had seen the look on Lily's face when James told her that blaming Severus wasn't the priority at the time. However, Elspeth was incredibly proud of both of them, even if they didn't realise it. James had not gone after Severus and Lily had not defended Severus, especially when he was in the wrong.

It was a good first step in the right direction, but Elspeth was sure there was still plenty of work that needed to be done in order to get any sort of positive relationship rolling between the two. Fortunately, she had Sirius who was more than willing to help with the task, but that was still leaving her with plenty of questions.

Questions that she definitely wanted answers to and answers she was going to get out of him.

Waiting for the right time, Elspeth went through her lessons, realising that the sixth year not only meant more work, the work was getting even more dangerous. Of course, the Potions' incident wasn't a fault on the potion lesson, but Elspeth was wondering if Professor Sprout had suddenly developed a hate for her students and was attempting to kill them.

As they entered the greenhouse one morning for class, finding the Venomous Tentacula plant before them left all the students hesitant to actually enter at all. But leave it to James and Sirius to challenge one another to see who would be the bravest and while James still seemed as though he was second-guessing, Sirius shoved him inside.

Elspeth clapped her hand over her face, it was going to be a hell of a lot harder to get James and Lily together if James ended up dying because he was killed by a plant.

"Merlin, have mercy," she muttered as Professor Sprout finally forced them all inside the greenhouse. The students took to keeping as much distance from the Venomous Tentacula. A plant that was green and spiky in appearance, with obvious razor sharp teeth. It had long vines that attempted to reach out towards anything in a grabbing distance, causing all of them to jump back.

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