Chapter Sixty-One

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[Chapter Sixty-One]

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[Chapter Sixty-One]

If Elspeth had ever been curious as to what it would look like if a wizard mated with an ostrich and a dragon, she was definitely given her answer when it came to her classes with Professor Alan Drescher, the new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor that was all kinds of peculiar. It wasn't only in his appearance either, but everything about the man was so incredibly distracting that the students in the class found it awfully difficult to pay attention because they were too busy staring at him. Elspeth learned that the longer she stared at him, she was able to pick up on something different with each class.

Professor Drescher was abnormally tall in height, towering over the students as they entered the classroom each time. He normally hunched over in greeting them, in a slow drawl that made it sound like everything he said was in slow motion. And paired with his height, his neck was unusually long and would often bob his head while he spoke, leaving everyone feeling a bit discombobulated by the end.

Not to mention, he wore his greying hair in a very distracting mohawk, which was Elspeth's favourite thing, even if she couldn't bring herself to focus on anything else in the class. He was like an exotic bird and where the dragon part paired in, was actually pretty gross if Elspeth was being fully honest with herself. Professor Drescher also had incredibly dry skin and during class, he would scratch at his arm and the students could watch as flakes would fly off and hit the floor, resembling that of dragon scales.

Where does Dumbledore find these people? Elspeth found herself questioning as class let out one afternoon. They had all been supposed to be focusing on the Flagrate incantation and practising it silently throughout the class, but Elspeth just found herself basically staring off the entire time.

She felt like she was really losing herself in some of her favourite classes because she was so distracted by everything. First, it was the idea of becoming a matchmaker to save wizardkind and then it was having an exotic bird/dragon as a professor. Pulling at the ends of her hair as she walked down the corridor after leaving the classroom, Elspeth was thinking of a plan to ensure that she did well in all of her classes, but she knew at the same time she was digging her own grave.

Hades had always held an enthusiasm when it came to teaching her new things and she was sure that he would jump at the opportunity to help her with her classes. The problem was, he was too enthusiastic when it came down to it all. Whenever Elspeth needed a break, Hades was asking her to try twice as hard than before. She would definitely be taking quite the chance of asking for his help, but at the same time, she didn't want to be falling behind in her classes either.

If she was going to be spending her school time trying to get Lily and James to fall in love, then she was going to need some outside help. Normally, she would have asked the boys because they were extremely smart, but at the same time, it was incredibly hard to keep them on task. Remus was usually the best out of all of them, but he often found himself distracted too if something proved to be more fun at the time.

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