Chapter Fifteen

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Elspeth had made her way back to the Gryffindor Tower without any detours the night before as she promised to Sirius. She had the hardest trouble falling asleep but she was thankful that the other girls in the dorm were either asleep or in the showers, giving her the opportunity to slip in and collapse onto her bed. However, her sleep wasn't exactly peaceful as she finally settled under her covers. The thought of one of her classmates being a werewolf had certainly rattled her nerves even though she had put on a brave face for the sake of the other boys. They obviously cared such a great deal about him that they weren't fearful of him in his transformed state, however, Elspeth couldn't get over the idea that if it hadn't been for her family's abilities, she more than likely would have been attacked that evening.

She had to keep reminding herself that in that state, that it wasn't Remus, it wasn't the boy who knitted during his free time and always greeted people with a kind smile. It was an infection of lycanthropy that spread through his veins like strings of a puppet and took control of him. A werewolf would try and hurt her, but Remus never would. She couldn't hold his condition against him, but it didn't mean that she wasn't fearful of him in that state, even if she could go undetected. Had it been another student, the whole night would have taken such a different and drastic turn for the worse. 

Eventually, her own thoughts became so overwhelming to the girl that she ended up just passing out from pure exhaustion, but she didn't remain asleep throughout the night. However, during her sleep, it wasn't anything that she could consider a good night's rest as she kept having horrid nightmares of the boys being attacked by Remus. All of it an accident but a deadly one as the three boys were no longer in the animagi states, but lying on the ground bloody and dead with Remus' werewolf state standing over them. 

She awoke several times in the night, her eyes wide open staring out into the darkness of the room. She couldn't tell if it was the wind howling outside the tower or Remus on the grounds with the boys. Slamming her pillow over her head, Elspeth attempted to drown out all the noise around her and think of happier things. Her mind filled with the thoughts of how Sirius had kissed her when they were outside and the way it made her feel like the luckiest girl on the castle grounds. 

Drifting in and out, she managed to get some sleep so that she didn't like total death in the morning. 

Lily seemed oddly concerned that Elspeth remained in bed a lot longer than she usually did. Normally, the girl would get up and make her way to the Great Hall to share breakfast with Penelope but buried under her covers, Elspeth was making no effort to move that morning. When the red-head travelled downstairs, she wasn't all too surprised to see Remus there waiting. It wouldn't be the first time that James' had sent the boy to do his bidding since Remus was a lot better with his wording than the Potter boy.

"Whatever it is, tell Potter I said no," Lily said to him as she watched him open his mouth. She went towards the portrait hole but Remus stopped her by calling out.

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