Chapter Six

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Remus glanced up to see that Sirius was returning, a lot sooner than he expected, which meant something had gone wrong. Sirius kept looking over his shoulder towards the castle as if he anticipated someone coming after him, but as he approached where the boys were sitting, he was silent. A rarity in itself. James waited impatiently for Sirius to tell him what happened, however, Sirius decided to kick his shoe lightly back and forth in the dirt to avoid.

"Well, come on, Sirius," James huffed. "Where's my apology?"

The arrogant tone of demand brought Sirius to look up at his friend and realise that he was probably never going to get an apology out of Elspeth at that rate, not that anyone agreed he deserved one. 

"Um, you're not getting one," Sirius told him.

"What? What did she say?" James looked offended. How dare someone not apologise to him over something he had caused in the first place. Some people just wanted to watch the world burn and suffer and Elspeth Hayes was one of them. 

"Uh..." Sirius didn't appear very comfortable repeating what Elspeth had told him in her form of an apology. He scratched the back of his head before James cleared his throat loudly to get him to continue. "Well, she said that you're a sore loser with a wounded ego and that you shouldn't have people go ask for an apology for you."

It was quiet for a few passing moments, Peter had clapped his hands over his mouth to prevent himself from laughing loudly. The mixture of Elspeth's words and James' face was becoming too much for him to handle and he excused himself. Although he only made it a short distance behind a tree before laughter spilt out of him and he fell over to the ground while holding his abdomen. 

  Remus didn't look surprised by the answer at all, however, while Sirius refused to make eye contact with anyone, he had to assume there was something else that happened while he was up in the castle. 

"Anything else you'd like to share with us, Sirius?" Remus asked him with a knowing look. He and James watched as a smile formed on his face and then he let out a giggle. 

"She's also an amazing kisser."

Remus snorted loudly while James had the look of ultimate betrayal on his face. He pushed himself up to his feet and walked over to where Sirius was standing with a dreamy look on his face. However, as Sirius became aware of his friend coming after him, he took off.

"Get back here! You were fraternising with the enemy."

"Correction, I was snogging her!"

As James chased Sirius around the castle grounds, Peter watched in amusement while Remus shook his head as he peered down at the incomplete map.

"It's a wonder we get anything done around here."

The map was close to completion, but there was something missing and the boys had yet to figure it out. They could see the names of those wandering around the castle, but it was just missing the final piece to add to it. Remus rolled up the piece of parchment paper and set it into his bag. They would have to worry about it later, he was developing a massive headache as the full moon was approaching. 

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