Chapter Seventy-Two

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Finding herself in the Underworld, Elspeth was on a mission and her own anger radiated off of her, enough that everyone could sense the disturbance with her arrival. She was seething, mainly because she didn't want to play "saviour of the wizarding world" anymore. There was nothing that could really make her believe that it was her responsibility to get James and Lily together because there was nothing that convinced her as of yet that they would work well as a couple. She loved James dearly, the closest she would ever have to a brother outside of the other boys as well, but it was moments like what she had witnessed in the Great Hall that made her want to punch him in the face.

While James had his moments where he showed a wonderful and caring side, it was going to be damn near impossible to have Lily see that if he continued to take several steps back with whatever stupid thought came to his mind that he blurted out. The Fates had made it clear that it rested on her shoulders to bring her friends together, but Elspeth was ready to tell them all to shove it up their arses and do it themselves.

Who left the fate of the world in a teenager's hands anyway?

As she walked around the Underworld, she found it incredibly quiet, almost abandoned. Having yet to calm down, her teeth were practically grinding against one another as she came to a halt and tapped her foot in place. Elspeth called out for Hades and Persephone, but neither one of them appeared, not even Thanatos as he normally did when no one summoned him.

"Come on, I know all of you are around here, somewhere!" she yelled. "You can't leave the Underworld unattended! Show yourselves, cowards!"

Usually, the last bit would have gotten a reaction out of at least one of them, more than likely Hades or the Furies would jump out and tell her to take it back. However, Elspeth continued to remain alone, surrounded by silence. There was a pressure building up inside her, a mixture of frustration and tiredness as she just wanted to return to a normal school year, or at least, as normal as it was going to get. She didn't want the added responsibility of playing matchmaker, couldn't they leave that up to Eros and call it a day?

"Fine, if you're not going to present yourselves, so be it," Elspeth continued, " but I know you're listening. So hear this, I'm not doing this anymore! I'm not going to be the one responsible for getting Lily and James together. They should respectfully be with their soulmates or whoever they want to be with, I don't think they're good for each other. And I'm not going to keep pretending like they are..."

There was still no response and Elspeth was getting to the point where she was tearing up, not because she was sad but because she was angry. She wanted the pressure to be lifted off of her, she wanted to just go back to studying for her N.E.W.T.s and enjoying her final years at Hogwarts like everyone else.

"I'm done!"

She lingered for a second longer, waiting for someone to show their face and try to tell her to reconsider what she was doing. But once another minute passed, Elspeth turned on her heel to leave, she made sure to stomp her feet for an added dramatic effect so that they knew she was pissed off. However, she had only managed to make it a couple of strides away when she heard something that caused her to freeze in her tracks.

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