Chapter Twenty-Seven

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As Elspeth sat in Potions, she really wished that she could say that she was enjoying the class that afternoon, but as Professor Slughorn was helping one of the students across from where she was sitting, his arse happened to be brushing against her shoulder continuously. She could hear James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter laughing hysterically, as she was preparing to punch Slughorn up the rear and then using the same hand to slap the four of them. While it wasn't a pairing-up brew, everyone seemed to have someone they were sitting next to. James and Sirius were sitting together, Remus and Peter, and of course, Lily was sitting next to Noseferatu still bitter as ever about Elspeth calling her out the other day. 

Then there was Elspeth, like a wounded animal, sitting by herself at the table. Sirius had offered to sit with her, but she only saw it as an act of pity, even though Sirius denied that being the case. More or less, she was just irritated with how things were turning out, glad to make some friends, but not so thrilled with losing them as a result of her own actions. Penelope had moved on apparently, making friends with different girls in her house. The last time they had spoken to each other was the day before Elspeth's birthday and it seemed to be an end to a friendship. All because Penelope didn't want the reputation of hanging out with the school's virgin slag. 

Although those rumours seemed to have died out since everyone noted that things were actually going steady between her and Sirius. That made her chest swell with pride and maybe something else that she couldn't figure out just yet, but she was happy. Happy to be with Sirius, the boy that she had crushed on for so long, only to find out, he was even better when she got to know him. 

But Penelope was out of the picture and Elspeth was pretty sure she could kiss a friendship with Lily goodbye, especially after the scene outside of the Herbology greenhouse. She didn't regret what she said because she didn't say it out of malice, she said it because she cared. She cared about James, not wanting to see the boy get hurt because he was putting all his eggs in one basket for a girl that was treating him equally as bad. Holding him to different standards than a boy who was equally as rotten. 

Not to mention, Elspeth didn't want to see Lily get hurt either, Severus was hanging out with a nasty crowd, no good came from Mulciber and Avery or the others they associated themselves. Lily was considered a smart witch, professors praised her left and right for her brilliance but sometimes, Elspeth didn't see it. There was no doubt that she was brilliant academically, but when it came to basic common sense, it wasn't making an appearance. How a muggle-born would associate herself with a boy who used the term "mudblood" with friends, friends who hated and judged muggle-borns, made absolutely no sense. 

Excuse me for caring, Elspeth thought to herself as she rolled her eyes. Merlin forbid that someone doesn't want to see you get hurt. But I'm the bitch in this case.

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