Chapter Five

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Sirius, Remus, and Peter were growing concern over James and his slight obsession to get Elspeth back because for some reason the boy was neglecting the fact that he had started it all. The other three could clearly see that Elspeth had only retaliated because she had been provoked by James first, but Potter was not grasping the concept at all. They were sitting outside of one of the last remaining nice days of the season going over the map they had been working incredibly hard on over the last couple of years. Remus was describing one of the corridors that were missing from the map and adding it, but James wasn't showing any sort of interest. He was muttering to himself bitterly about being made a fool in Charms class. 

"I feel bad for him," Peter whispered to Sirius, "I think he's finally losing it. I mean, we all suspected it would happen eventually, but I don't think we anticipated it this soon."

"I'll handle this, I know what will make him snap out of it," Sirius said before clearing his throat. "James, Lily is snogging Snivellus over there!"

James didn't even bother looking up as he continued to mutter angrily to himself. The boy certainly wasn't used to someone outsmarting him and making him look foolish. It certainly appeared that Elspeth had gotten under his skin in such a short amount of time. But to not react at the idea of the love of his life snogging his mortal enemy, the boys were terribly worried. 

"Should I hit him?" Sirius asked turning to the other two for confirmation. Remus rolled his eyes before looking over at him.

"How is that going to fix anything?" Remus questioned him in return.

"I don't know, but it might make me feel better," Sirius shrugged his shoulders. 

"This is ridiculous!" Peter called out before leaning across the way and hitting James' arm. "Come on now, James, snap out of it, will you? You lost, it happens. Welcome to my life, you learn that you can win everything. She outsmarted you, it's over."

"It is not over!" James finally turned to his best friends. "I will not accept it. We've been able to successfully prank people and even if they retaliated they didn't win. I'm supposed to just let her win?"

"YES!" The three told him in unison. 

"No," he replied stubbornly, folding his arms over his chest and looking away from them as they all groaned loudly. 

"Alright, I give up, Sirius, hit him," Remus said before falling back onto the grass. Sirius began rolling up his sleeves to deliver an awakening blow, but he stopped himself when he realized that James was just an idiot with hurt feelings in that moment.

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