Chapter Thirty-Nine

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[Chapter Thirty-Nine]

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[Chapter Thirty-Nine]

"I am willing to bet that the Furies would love to offer their assistance if you still wish to punish those boys that made you cry," Hades offered as Elspeth sat across from him. Within seconds of being given the offer, the girl's eyes widened as she stared at the god before quickly shaking her head. She didn't think it would be a fair punishment to let the torturous ways of the Furies to fall upon the boys, even if they were gits, they weren't that big of gits.

Quickly, she cleared her throat and averted her gaze. "They didn't make me cry," she responded hotly, " I just got something in my eye when I was yelling at them. That's all."

"Right and Zeus is a virgin," Hades replied, earning a snort from her, making it incredibly hard for her to remain annoyed. "Well, it is certainly good to see that you are in better spirits."

"Why? Were you worried about me, Hades?"

Immediately, the God could see the mischievous smirk on the girl's face growing with every passing second. He rolled his eyes at her ludicrous statement but that only seemed to add to her amusement. " I was not worried about you, it was simply getting in the way of your training and that was my only concern."

"Oooh, Hades, I think you're lying!" Elspeth sang in an obnoxiously high voice. "I think you've developed a soft-spot for me! Come on, just admit it, I've grown on you!"

"You think highly of yourself."

Picking herself up, Elspeth was definitely pushing the established boundaries between her and Hades, but she couldn't resist as she leaned on the God's shoulder and peered down at him. 

"If it means anything, you've grown on me too," she told him. 

Pushing herself off, Elspeth decided to leave on that note before she was thrown to the Furies for getting to close to Hades. She was going to return to her home and draw herself a nice hot bath to relax. However, as she said goodbye, thinking her words didn't mean anything to the god, Elspeth would find herself quite mistaken as it meant the world to the God. Throughout the passing of time, he had developed a poor reputation as people only affiliated him with the evils of the world and never the good. 

Elspeth, while outspoken and a bit out there, she was still pure of heart and to hear her claim that he meant something to her, it reminded him of the time when Persephone told him the same thing. Only, it wasn't in the romantic sense, she had become the closest thing to a child, one that he cared for and looked after. One that he felt he needed to protect from the harsh realities of the world she lived in. It was true, he had developed a soft-spot for the girl and it had become increasingly obvious among all, even with Elspeth herself. 

He supposed it wasn't a bad thing as he had led himself to believe before. After all, Persephone had been trying for so long to get him to open up to others rather than just her. He was capable of caring in many different ways, it was just hard for him to express it all the time. At least Elspeth was smart enough to catch on without him saying anything and at least, she could tell when he was lying. 

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