Chapter One

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The 1970's were a wild time, even for those in the Wizarding World, a generation of new fashion styles and music had welcomed the youth with open arms. They invited teens to show off their wild sides, let their hair loose and put their worries behind them.  Elspeth Hayes was no exception to the changing ways, embracing the 70's Muggle culture happily. Turning her wardrobe in a sea of brown and yellow polyester instead of the usual wizard and witch attire. She was certainly not looking to make the cover of Witch Weekly, unless it was under the "How Not to Dress" section. 

Her hair trailed behind her as she ran off with friends in her neighbourhood, chatting up the cute muggle boys in the next town over. She was a fifteen-year-old girl without a care in the world, her life leading up to her adolescent years had been left with little consequences for her actions. Unable to be traced by the Ministry of Magic for underage magic, Elspeth certainly had more freedom of her peers. Of course, her parents warned her not to abuse her privilege but a little magic didn't hurt anyone. However, the girl did keep her magic mainly to herself with the exception of her best friend, Penelope Larson, a fellow witch. Out of respect for her parents and their careers, Elspeth never did anything with her magic to jeopardise her family's standing. 

There were plenty of other ways to rebel.

"Sneaking out in the middle of the night? What were you thinking, Elspeth?!" The scolding tone of Caelan Hayes rang through the household the early morning of September 1st. His daughter was sitting in the kitchen, barely awake as she continued to nod off at the kitchen table. Unfortunately, the girl and her friend had been caught sneaking in only a couple of hours prior, returning from a party and her parents were not taking it well. Penelope had been escorted home by Elspeth's mother, Sorcha, leaving the teen to face her father alone. The problem was she could barely hear anything as the loud music played throughout the night had left her ears ringing. Not to mention, she was beyond exhausted as she was running off of no sleep. In only a couple of hours time, they would have to be heading to King's Cross Station for her to catch the Hogwarts Express. 

Elspeth hoped she would be getting a nap in beforehand, but judging by the angry look on her father's face, it was safe to say that she would not be getting any sleep in his company. 

"For your mother and I to come home and find that you're not here, what do you have to say for yourself? Hmm?" His foot tapped loudly against the floor, causing Elspeth's eyes to perk up a bit at the sound. 

"In all honesty, Dad," Elspeth began, "I thought you and Mum would be working through the night. So you technically weren't supposed to find out, I didn't want you two to worry-"

"Your mother was worried sick!"

She flinched at the loudness of his voice before trying to muster up the best look of innocence that she could portray. "But Daddy-"

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