Chapter Fifty-Four

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[Chapter Fifty-Four]

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[Chapter Fifty-Four]

Walking into Charms, Elspeth greeted Professor Flitwick with a bright smile on her face as she walked in first, still holding Sirius' hand. The two of them were practically giddy, just how it had been when they had first started dating the previous year. Every time the two of them met each other's gaze, they could barely contain themselves in small, bashful laughter. And while James rolled his eyes like hell walking behind them, he couldn't deny that he was actually really happy. Despite his nipple feeling like it was bleeding through the shirt of his uniform, seeing Sirius happy again and knowing they were on good terms with Elspeth again, James was feeling internally giddy himself.

Of course, since he was James Potter, he had to maintain his poise, and simply covered up his own relieved emotions with just looking annoyed by the couple in front of him. But as he took his seat behind them, there was a hint of a smile on his face.

"You're not fooling anyone, you know?" Remus said, taking his seat beside him, while Peter sat on the opposite side.

James glanced over at him, attempting to appear confused. "I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about, Remus."

"Come on, you know you're happy that they're back together," Remus smiled, " you don't have to hide it. We're all happy that Elspeth is back on better terms with all of us."

As stubborn as he was, James folded his arms over his chest and looked down. "Yeah, I'm happy, so what? I mean, I don't have to prance around, do I?"

Peter and Remus exchanged looks with one another while James remained sitting in between them, trying his best to ignore them. However, after a minute or so of tapping his foot against the floor and trying to look in every other direction, James jumped up with a frustrated groan and leaned forward across the table.

Elspeth, who had been sitting in front of him at the time, was looking through her bag to pull out her inkwell when she suddenly felt arms wrap around her from behind. She immediately became still, a bewildered look on her face as she looked over at Sirius for an explanation. However, Sirius was of little help as he merely smiled before she turned her head and caught sight of James.

"Um, James, what are you doing?" she asked. "I swear, if this is a prank, you better cover up your other nip-"

"Just let this happen, Hayes!" he said in a scolding tone. "You're ruining the moment! I'm just trying to show the others that I'm glad you're back with us, that's all. So, this is going to proceed for another thirty seconds and then I'm going to let go of you. Then we'll never speak of it again. We'll go back to bickering and scolding one another, with the occasional insult thrown in randomly. Sound good?"

She sat there, a smile reforming as she lifted her hand up and patted him on the head gently. "Oh, Potter, you are a strange lad, " she chuckled, " but it sounds like a deal. As much as I enjoy your odd affectionate ways, I do enjoy insulting you a tad bit more."

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