Chapter Fifty-Six

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[Chapter Fifty-Six]

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[Chapter Fifty-Six]

Every time Elspeth heard that someone was looking for her, especially by name, she would begin to try and recount every possible scenario she had been involved in that would result in her getting into trouble. However, as she remained hidden in the shadows, she really couldn't come up with a recent manner that would have her believe she deserved to be scolded, especially by the Fates. What the hell had she done to warrant them seeking her out? And she had to believe it wasn't for anything good if Hades was attempting to hide her from them at the current time.

"Hades, you know the importance of why we need to speak with her," one of the Fates spoke, leaving Elspeth to peer out at them, " it is an urgent matter."

"Elspeth does not need to be involved in the matter, there are other ways-"

"No, there is not!"

The area fell silent and Hades was no longer putting up an argument, leaving Elspeth panicked as he turned finally and looked in her direction. He released a heavy sigh before lifting up his arm and motioning her to come over.

"Elspeth, if you will," he said, " the Moirai wish to speak with you."

Well sure, they wished to speak with her, but did Elspeth want to speak with them? She felt as though she didn't have a choice, especially with Hades revealing her location as he motioned her forward. She stood up on her feet, feeling slightly shaky in her legs as she approached the white-robed three. However, she remained close to Hades, hoping that he would protect her if something was to go down. 

They were elderly in appearance, showing up as three old women with wrinkles and aged expressions to match, but Elspeth knew better to not underestimate them. She was standing in front of three of the most powerful beings when it came to life and death. One of them approached her right away, getting up close and personal as she only stood a few centimetres from Elspeth's face, eyeing her with only one eye opened.

"She smells like soap," the woman finally grinned at Elspeth, leaving Hades to make a face, while Elspeth remained silent and confused. However, in hopes that she wasn't going to be facing a lot of trouble, she offered an uneasy grin.

"Lakhesis!" another called to her. "We are not here to inform her that she smells like soap! Get back here and let us get through this before any more time is wasted. It is bad enough that we have wasted enough time as it is as she and Hades suffered through this spat!"

The one who spoke, Hades whispered to be "Klotho" appeared rather impatient as she moved Lakhesis aside and made her way to stand before Elspeth.

"Elspeth Hayes, " she began, her lips smacking together heavily as she spoke, " you have caused a great disturbance within your world, are you aware of that?"

The words "how" and "why" were the first to come to mind as Elspeth remained put after such a strong question and not to mention, strong blame was suddenly placed on her. How had she caused a great disturbance? Were people that pissed off that she wore bellbottoms or something along those lines? Obviously, that wasn't the case, but she didn't see how she had done anything to warrant such an accusation.

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