Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Elspeth took several steps back from the sight of the dementors, knowing all too well of what they were capable of. Her parents had informed her early on about the guards around Azkaban, and not once since she learned about her connection with Hades, did she ever think there was a connection between the God and the creatures. Although as she stood there, it all certainly made sense. The creatures were designed to suck away one's soul, leaving them in the unhappiest of states as punishment, once they were touched by the Dementor's kiss. Hades, of course, didn't seem bothered at all, especially as the Dementors grew closer. 

The girl was practically climbing up the god in order to avoid the dementors from getting any closer to her, which earned a great laugh from Hades as he watched. "Pardon me, but I don't think this is at all funny!" She snapped in his direction.

"It is to me because you obviously did not listen to a word I said earlier, typical," Hades muttered the latter bit under his breath. "I informed you before we started moving that you would be learning what you have control over, besides the manipulation of the shadows. Why would I bring you over to something that could hurt you?"

"You're the God of the Underworld and you're seriously asking me that?" Elspeth countered. "There are plenty of things around here that could hurt me. I could become a chew toy or a snack to Cerberus!"

"Oh, Cerberus wouldn't hurt you," Hades shook his head, "unless I instructed him to."

"That didn't make me feel better at all," she whispered, "not at all."

However, Hades didn't seem to really care about her frightened state as he pushed Elspeth towards the group of dementors that just seemed to be huddled together. The most frightening aspect of them was in the Underworld, they didn't wear their hoods, revealing the frightening image of what was under their cloaks. 

Their skin was scabby grey, standing about three metres as they hovered above the ground. Similar to that of a decaying corpse, they looked as though they were withering away. Their eye sockets remained empty, bearing a glimpse into such an unholy darkness that Elspeth could sense that they were still staring at her, even if they didn't have any eyeballs. As she grew closer, thanks to Hades, they were all facing her, their mouths gaping open, revealing a hellish pit. 

"What are dementors?" Elspeth asked Hades as she had a firm grip on the god's robes as if it were a security blanket. 

"A very good question, Elspeth," Hades said as they remained standing, the dementors acted like guard dogs, waiting for his instruction, hoping they would be given the clear to attack. However, he was not going to demand such a thing, he was actually quite pleased that someone had asked. "Humans are strange, are they not?"

Elspeth glanced around, wondering if it was a rhetorical question at first before she just gave a slight nod of her head.

"They are strange in believing that gods hold all this anger towards them when in reality, they hold so much anger towards each other and themselves. Have you ever found yourself in a feeling a self-loathing, Elspeth?"

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