Chapter Twelve

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Not wanting to focus on any more homework or discussion of classes, Elspeth called it a night in the library after spending countless hours with Lily and Penelope, even fellow Gryffindor Marlene McKinnon had joined them for a full out study session. Between charms, counter-jinxes, and potion ingredients, Elspeth wanted to rip her head off and throw it away from her body just to have a moment's peace. However, it was a nice evening spent with the girls. For so long, it had only been her and Penelope hanging out regularly and most of the blame was placed on Elspeth's shoulders. She could be extremely social in a settling of plenty of people, she could easily be the life of the party, but when it came to making actual friends that she felt that she could trust and depend on, Elspeth found herself to be quite reserved in those respects. 

It seemed her selectiveness caused her to miss out on friendships early on as Lily and Marlene both expressed that they would have loved being friends with Elspeth but she came across as too "intimidating." The nice way of saying that she probably came across as a major bitch to the two and they didn't want to get mixed up in that. But now they were able to see that she wasn't a bitch, she was a pretty decent witch to be in the company of , it only took her kicking James Potter in the face for them to recognise it. 

With the promise of keeping the map a secret from the girls, Elspeth found her split between the two. Mainly because she was officially dating Sirius and the fact that James was so damn desperate to learn her secret that it was ridiculous. He nearly asked her every single day, trying to trick her in any way that he could, but she had been trained long ago to keep her mouth shut. With James' obsessive behaviour, it made Elspeth wonder why he wanted to know so bad. It couldn't just be the sake of knowing, she knew the boys were hiding something as well.  And she would get her chance to discover it that evening. 

As she walked down the empty corridor towards the Gryffindor Tower, trying to get Lily's potion lessons out of her head. The girl had apparently taken Elspeth's advice and sort of distanced herself from Severus over the recent weeks, it certainly left the boy confused and the bitter looks he sent in Elspeth's direction during some of their classes, it was clear that he put the blame on her instead of his own actions. Dirty looks didn't change the fact that she was right about him knowing damn well what he was doing and why it was wrong. If he was trying to use her as a scapegoat to justify that he wasn't doing anything wrong, it was too late for that. Lily was starting to see the true colours of her friend and it was probably only a matter of time before the friendship came to an end.

Elspeth hoped she wouldn't be dragged into the middle of that, drama made her stomach hurt. She was just about to round the corner when she heard the voices of three very familiar boys, bringing her to pause. She recognised Sirius' voice right away, then James, and then Peter. They were attempting to whisper but anyone that knew them knew right away that they sucked at whispering. With an amused smile, she didn't see the harm in hiding behind a statue and jumping out to scare the living hell out of them. 

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